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subject: Ameriplan Home Business - Anthony Anderson Sues Ameriplan USA [print this page]

Ameriplan Home Business - Anthony Anderson Sues Ameriplan USA

A couple of weeks ago Anthony Anderson fought a court case with the Ameriplan home business company and won. He was awarded $5.5 million at the end of the trial. Out of that money there was $150k given to Anderson, $372,000 alotted for attorney fees, and the rest went to punitive damages to Ameriplan.

Anderson said the company was in breach of their agreement with him for the services he provided them. He stopped getting paid on Nov 5, 2005 after serving for 9yrs. Soon thereafter he began the litigation process. This concluded on Aug 27, 2010.

Anderson worked with this company for a long time. According to his standing with Ameriplan at the time he was let go, he had earned the rights to residual commissions that he could will to others when he died. The court ruled in his favor. Now, it may seem that you wouldn't want to work with this company as a rep.

While it seems that you may want to stay far from the Ameriplan home business opportunity there are some other facts to consider. There are over 75,000 IBO's involved with this business model. Historically, this company has been fair and not ended a contract without evidence causing that to happen.

There was a complete inquiry done regarding Anderson's termination. There was overwhelming evidence leading to his firing. Anderson was indicted with felony theft charges by Brazoria County (Texas) Court. His stealing from Ameriplan is what caused his contract to end. He's got a court date for this infraction before the end of the year.

Was the risk worth the benefit? He took assets from Ameriplan and might spend some years in the pen. He ended up with $150,000.00 at the end of the day. When his criminal proceedings are done there's a good chance he'll end up in the hole. It will be interesting to see what his criminal trial holds for his future.

It is unfortunate that the Ameriplan home business opportunity has had its name tarnished by Anderson. It doesn't matter what type of business model you're involved with - there's a bad apple in every bunch.

The Ameriplan home business career can easily be regarded as a good place to work. Anderson's alleged criminal actions got him expelled from working with these guys. He has won a lawsuit against the company. But, Ameriplan can still file a counter-suit. They have a good shot at winning - especially if he's found guilty of stealing from them.

MLM is still a great industry. If you are ethical and honest in all that you do then you can achieve any dream you choose.

Get out there and get to work on your dream!

Ameriplan Home Business - Anthony Anderson Sues Ameriplan USA

By: Steve Dooley

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