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subject: Air Travel During Pregnant - First, Second And Third Trimester [print this page]

Air Travel During Pregnant - First, Second And Third Trimester

As you move through pregnancy, the challenge of flying when pregnant becomes greater and greater. In the first trimester, remaining motionless in an airline seat is much more comfortable. Traveling in the second trimester of pregnancy is in fact a bit safer than traveling all through the first or third trimester. Your risk is a bit lower, and depending how many weeks pregnant you are, your degree of comfort can be okay. The larger challenge comes when you are traveling during the third trimester of pregnancy. If you are flying when pregnant during your third trimester, not only do you carry a higher risk of premature birth, but just squeezing into the seat may very well be a challenge. Flying When Pregnant

The risks and challenges of air travel during pregnancy, but both can be managed with a little consideration and preparation. The air travel rules vary from airline to airline, but most have a particular cutoff after which you must not fly. The restrictions on flying while may appear like a hassle, especially if you have somewhere to go, but the travel restrictions are there to safeguard the health of you and your baby as well as protect the airline from increased liability.

Flying During the First Trimester

In looking at the statistics, travel all through the first trimester of pregnancy is more risky than other trimesters. Although you may not be far along, variations in pressure, stillness for long periods, turbulence, and other factors may provide challenges to a pregnant mother.

Traveling During The Second Trimester

Statistically speaking, air travel during the second trimester is the safest. Even though you are required to get up and walk around, both to keep good circulation in your legs as well as get to the bathroom, traveling when pregnant in the second trimester should not be a problem.

Third Trimester

In traveling while pregnant, air travel during the third trimester is a challenge that increases as you approach your due date. In addition to the discomfort of fitting into your chair and having to sit for an extended period, your risk of birth is at the forefront of your risks. In fact, most airlines will not let you travel after you reach so many weeks of pregnancy. Unless it is absolutely mandatory, you should adhere to the airlines pregnant travelers' policy and not fly when they tell you that you shouldn't.

by: Julie Xillion

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