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subject: Chronic Anxiety Disorder - A Quick Review [print this page]

Anxiety is a group of disorders distinguished by a figure of both mind and physical symptoms, with no clear explanation. Apprehension, dread of losing control, fear of going mad, fear of pending death or imminent danger, and general uneasiness are among the symptoms. Ordinary physical symptoms include dizziness, lightheadedness, chest or abdominal pain, nausea, increased heart rate, and diarrhea. Because there are so many physical symptoms, chronic anxiety disorder may not be documented and the symptoms only treated as physical disorders. Doctors and researchers think that with both psychotherapy and pills over 80% of persons with anxiety disorders can be helped. Anxiety can also be one of the general symptoms of psychiatric disorders.

Chronic anxiety disorder appears to have become more widespread in recent years, though this may be due to improved diagnostics. And although women are treated for these disorders more often, psychologists consider that this is simply because men are less likely to look for treatment. An anxiety disorder should not be perplexed with everyday stress and worry which, due to circumstances, can affect everyone at one time or another. Anxiety disorders, however, are constant conditions, and should be diagnosed warily by a licensed mental health professional after a full evaluation. While self care-options can help ordinary stress or anxiety, prescription treatments should only be used in obvious cases of chronic and ongoing anxiety.

Sleep disorders or early development, depression, tension, muscle aches, and fatigue can all come with chronic anxiety disorder. Chronic anxiety manifests as unrelenting worries, fears and negative thoughts which last at least six months. Too much worry over daily activities and a tendency towards headaches and nausea are common. Acute anxiety, or Panic Disorder, comes on as a sudden attack of fear accompanied by symptoms that may bear a resemblance to a heart attack having palpitations, chest pain and dizziness. Shortness of breath, stomach upset, chills, cold sweats, hot flashes, or irrational fears of death can merge with these symptoms to create a shocking experience for the individual experiencing them.

Unwarranted levels of norepinephrine increase the rates of breathing and pulse in panic attack sufferers. Post traumatic stress disorder is also classed as a chronic anxiety disorder, and can be activated in anyone who experienced deeply traumatic event. Anger, depression, emotional numbness, flashbacks, nightmares, and a tendency to be astounded easily may be seen. The cure of this disorder may be through two methods after a thorough examination of the case. Psychotherapy is the treatment of social anxiety disorder. Cognitive therapy and behavioral are critical as this treatment has two sub-methods. Cognitive is the major motive for the phobia and the associated consequences, chronic or absurd, are assessed by patient care to decide the true resolution for further processing.

Behavior is the supplementary sub-method which controls the performance. It is another significant feature followed by individuals sitting around the patient. Medications such as panic attacks are continuous and potentially unsafe and may take place abruptly, panic attack treatments are favored. A variety of pharmacological practices applied in the control of the subject of social disorganization. Tranquilizers or sedatives can assist a patients control in mental problems. They present a nap in mind. Benzodiazepines are other established drugs in this category. Buspirone is also used in some cases. Do not panic since treatments of chronic anxiety disorder are obtainable in medicines that individuals take. It is under the class of selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake inhibitors which are effective.

by: Barbara Thomson

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