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subject: Online Money Making. Finding The Right Cash Gifting Program [print this page]

Online Money Making. Finding The Right Cash Gifting Program

What to look for when deciding on a money making opportunity online.

One of the first things to look out for is the quality of the website. If the website looks unprofessional and untidy your flickers should go up, because if someone is really making the money they are claiming to make, they should not have a problem investing in a good website builder or a professional who will build a smart website for them.

Another thing to look out for is contact details. They should have contact details on. As much as possible and the best thing for you to do is to contact them (not to purchase or join the program), but to find out how quickly they respond and how willing they are to give you details about whatever they are offering.

Next or actually one of the first things you should do is to do a check on whois[dot]com to find out who the website is registered to. Many companies have their privacy protected which means you cannot see their details. This is good for specific types of businesses, but if it's a site that wants to sell you money making ideas, ebooks or anything to do with making money, they should be willing to be transparent and show who and where they are. An address is also good, but lots of these get rich quick companies have false addresses.

Another thing to look out for is their claims and testimonies. Does it look real or synthetic? Do the people look real (if there's pictures). How realistic is the claims? Is there a picture of the owner of the site who claims to make all this money? Is there a video of the person?

Also, if you really want to buy some money making ebook, try your best to rather buy through clickbank, because you are sure you will get your money back should it be b bunch of crap.

Read forum posts about the program. Believe me, if people were conned, they are going to tell about it. If people lost money they are not gonna keep silent, but you should also be open minded while reading these posts. Some people who are competitors will make posts about another program and say that it's a scam and badmouth them. Normally these people will post on sites where they can also add their website links to the post so it's just advertising for them. If you find a post where you sense that the person is really genuine, it probably is true.

There's a saying that goes "If one person tells you you're a donkey, forget it, but if ten people tell you you're a donkey, buy yourself a saddle." So if there are plenty of people who say the same thing about a person or a program, you should pay attention and base your decisions on that.

With all this information in mind, do you think you will now be able to spot a genuine opportunity?

Take care and please do not join any money making program without doing your research first.

To your health and wealth.

Online Money Making. Finding The Right Cash Gifting Program

By: Zelda Conradie

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