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subject: How Your Dentist Can Invisibly Straighten Your Teeth With Invisalign [print this page]

Getting straight teeth is a lot easier today than most people think. There are many different methods available, including traditional metal braces, but by far the most effective is the Invisalign system. This system uses a series of custom made invisible tooth aligners. Its a very popular way for a Seattle dentist to straighten your teeth and many people are jumping on board the Invisalign system as it can help just about anyone achieve very promising straightening results.

Traditional Metal Braces

While some people are still opting for traditional metal braces, others are trying to make life a bit more convenient (and attractive). Traditional metal braces are still offered by a number of different dental offices and many people still choose them because they are usually covered under insurance plans. However, some insurance companies are adding Invisalign into dental coverage plans. It simply depends on the company. Before deciding on traditional metal braces, take the time to look further into the benefits of Invisalign.

Finding An Invisalign Dentist

To truly achieve the best results, the Invisalign system requires a dentist with expertise. When looking for the right Invisalign dentist, the first step is to make sure they offer the Invisalign system as a regular service. If a dentist doesnt, they probably arent qualified and dont have the equipment necessary to successfully straighten your smile with Invisalign. Avoid any Seattle dentist that offers to look into it. If they dont already offer it, theyre not an expert in it, so you should move on.

The Benefits Of Invisalign

Invisalign offers numerous benefits, even above the superior tooth straightening the system provides. Since the Invisalign tooth aligners are clear, you can invisibly straighten your teeth. Unlike with traditional metal braces, its difficult to tell youre even wearing Invisalign aligners. You can also remove the aligners so you can brush and floss your teeth as usual. Its much easier to keep your teeth and gums healthy with convenient Invisalign aligners than with traditional metal braces as well. You can also easily remove the aligners to eat and drink.

Sets Of Aligners

During the Invisalign straightening system, youll wear a series of different custom made aligners that will gradually move your teeth into position. After wearing an aligner for a set period, you simply move on to the next aligner until your teeth are straight. Youll need to attend regular checkups to make sure your teeth are straightening as planned as well as to get your teeth cleaned and to check for cavities. Since the aligners are removable, caring for your teeth is simple.

If youd like to straighten your smile, you should check into the Invisalign system. Its an easy way to get straight teeth without the drawbacks of traditional metal braces. By doing a little research to find the right Seattle dentist, you can enjoy a straight smile in practically no time at all with the Invisalign system.

by: Fidler on the Tooth

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