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subject: How To Build Up An Internet Marketing Business With Children At Home [print this page]

How To Build Up An Internet Marketing Business With Children At Home

If you are one of the many Internet marketers that is trying to work at home on your computer, and you have children around, you understand the many difficulties that go along with it. Working at home on the Internet is a dream for many, but with children involved it can also be a disaster unless you know how to manage your time and schedule.

Here are a few tips to help Internet marketers deal with the issues of working at home with children of various ages.

Babies and Preschool children

The combination of having babies or toddlers and working at home requires a delicate balance and a lot of patience. Parents are constantly trying to get a schedule in place while the children couldn't care less about any type of schedule, and have their own world they are living in.

It is often said that an Internet marketer needs to work during a child's naptime. Of course this is an ideal situation; however if the child decides not to have a nap or is not feeling well then the whole schedule unfolds.

Flexibility is the word of the day when dealing with children in this age bracket. If they miss one naptime you'll have to make up the time later without getting too frustrated or angry.

Many days a schedule can be followed and you'll be able to get a lot of work done. Enjoy these days and try to produce extra to make up for some days with downtime.

If you are running a serious business and cannot work around the children then you will either have to hire someone to come in and babysit the children while you work, or send them out to be looked after elsewhere.

School-Aged Children

Once your children are in school you have a set amount of hours to complete your work. This will have to be done using every moment you can, so that you can be more freed up at night to handle the children.

If you need to work at night or on the weekends, a good way to handle it is to let them know that you are going off to work in your office for one hour only. Let them know that you're available only for emergencies, and that anything else they need you will be happy to handle after the hour is up.

This gives children something to work with, and in most cases if there was anything that came up in that hour they will have forgotten it if it was not important when you are ready to get back to them. You need to give them some undivided attention when the hour is over and let them know that you really appreciate the time they allowed you to work.

After spending half an hour to an hour with your children you can then make another escape for some more work. The idea is to stay in constant communication with them about your work hours and your family hours. They will not resent your work hours if you give them much-needed family time as well.

Young Teens and Teens

Since these young adults have developed some sort of reasoning skills, you can tell them that you are working so that they can have their food, telephone and Internet access. No teenager wants to lose any of these vital necessities, and you may get less interruptions by letting them know what is on the line.

The teenage years can cause a lot of conflict between parents and teens, so another way of handling the situation is to invite them to see what you are doing and show them how they can start their own business and make some extra money.

You can start a family business this way, and teach them the skills necessary in running a successful enterprise. It can be a bonding opportunity for the both of you.

Some young adults will be drawn to this type of business opportunity while others would prefer not have anything to do with it. You can never force anybody into Internet marketing, so if your teen does not take an interest just let it go. They may later, especially if they see you being able to take off with it.

It is definitely possible to get work done with children around, especially if work time is established and mutual respect and understanding are part of the arrangement. You can get a young teenager in your neighborhood to come in and help with small toddlers and children when need be, and pay them for their time.

Many multi-millionaire Internet marketers have had to deal with working at home with children, and most would go on to say that it gave them the best of both worlds. A chance to watch their children grow while earning an income that would free them for life.

by: Jeremy Gislason

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