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subject: Choosing Sedation Dentistry is a Safe Comfortable Option [print this page]

For those who have a paralyzing fear of going to the dentist, many of today's dentists offer sedation. Dentists are using different methods for relaxing their patients and making them more comfortable during procedures. Using sedation during dental procedures will make a visit that has lasted for several hours seem like only a few minutes. These methods include oral sedation, nitrous oxide, IV sedation and general anesthesia.

IV sedation is distributed by a professional who is trained to administer an IV, an injection is given through your arm or hand and the medication used will sedate you. You will need a family member or friend to drive you home safely.

Nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas is given to relax and calm patients. It is mild and patients are awake and able to talk with their dentist throughout treatment. The after effects of nitrous oxide are minimal, and patients are able to drive home after it has worn off.

Choosing oral sedation may be a more comfortable alternative if you have a fear of needles; oral sedation is taking tranquilizers or anti-anxiety medication in pill form. You will need someone to drive you home as the effect of this medication is longer lasting.

General anesthesia is used to make you unconsciousness which will make you unaware of the dental procedures that are being done. There is risk whenever you are placed under anesthesia, however you will be monitored to ensure your safety. This is an option to consider if your child needs extensive dental work. The sedation dentist phoenix office will give you advice on the best option.

Scottsdale dentists offer sedation dentistry to those living in Phoenix; this is a safe effective procedure to use if you suffer from dental phobia. The sedation dentist phoenix office will make sure you are comfortable.

Choosing Sedation Dentistry is a Safe Comfortable Option

By: FredCollinsworth

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