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canning of kids

Canning of kids

we human beings are social beings and will always remain slave of our society. I wonder if that's ever gonna change. We can't free us from system and chain our society enforces on us.

When I was a kid, I wonder what school was like. I never cried for I don't want to go to or attend school. I always did, I was a brave boy.

I remember we have our own small gang. We would make discussions about religious tolerance, religions, peace and war, riots, even when we were very young for that. So, we would keep talking in class for which we even have faced punishment lots of times.

I can't remember how many times I feel hurts by racist and sexist talks of elders. I would completely refuse them and would try to fight with best wit I have. They try to wash my brain but it was impossible. I always believed that my own gangs were wiser than our elders as we would discuss problems and social evils but our elders would impose everything on certain community or group.

Although, whatever, whenever I flash back my childhood something I can't ignore is PHYSICAL TORTURE we'd faced.

We'd been beaten for no reasons and for every reason because we carry second hand books where teachers own children could carry them, because we didn't join tuition centre of certain teachers, because we join tuition (competitor teacher would punish us ), we had been beaten for teachers bad moods( may be they have quarrel with their wife in home).

I remember we wouldn't complain to our parents as they have readymade answers, "that must have been your fault "'you may have not completed your assignment"" why they beat you, they are not mad are they? They beat you for you, so you could make room for improvement"

We were so scared that we would try to join every teacher's tuition center which was not possible because of schedule problem but imagine what kinds of private school it was where teachers have their own tuition center to make money from and could push it to any limits to make us join it and we could do nothing. They would even punish, beat us double than others for same guilty if we were not member of their tuition centre.

So, we had homework from morning tuition, from evening and from seven periods of school and a morning prayer to remember all the time and some rhyme for evening prayer as could be chosen without any notice to perform in fronts of whole school and will be beaten in front of them all if can't remember rhyme or morning prayers and no time to do any of them. It appears to be very embarrassing to be punished in front of whole class and school and it really hurts and was certainly very painful to be beaten like animals. Crying was not an option, they will made us to go school and I have seen other kids being dragged and how after their parents left them they have shower of slaps and canes, it was amazing how every day I will wake up in time, dress myself praying today will be leave knowing that there are homework which are uncompleted and I will be beaten. I had counted days on fingers when school gets over and I will be free. It was a nightmare, detention centre, a torture centre. I know some of you are thinking its bullshit but probably you are not raised in private school of India or Nepal. It's still happening there. And parents don't give shit for that but they all care for a promising future of kids which those private school offer but that's not true, that's how parents view it actually all parents care for is social reputation they would hold if their children become something. They don't care their children's mental health, physical health or in short term they don't care for their children but only care their own social reputation and for that they can even sacrifice their children.

Sometime we would just wonder how much a teacher would enjoy torturing us; it was sort of great pleasure for them. They would do it in a playful way. They would try their best to annoy us. We were suppose to beg for mercy shivering, shaking ,scared with eyes full of tears, some rolling down our cheeks, will try skip our hand and they would say more you skip more you get. No sir, please sir Umm give your hand and will try to annoy and embarrass us every way possible by giving us new name and calling other teachers to see the show.

I would like to recall an incident which happens in Budhanilkantha, boarding school, Katmandu, Nepal and its very famous and still now parents would give their hearts off if their children get admission in it. So much social prestige and proud its offer due to fame it carries still now. Actually, what happened was case of molestation. Children were found to be victim of molestation. Children of hostelwho were going through this were complaining this from a year. They have made several attempt to stop this and even complained their own parents but nothing happen.

And what kind of parents they were? What they were thinking about their children's career, their future and what it was a big school, bigger than their children. Parents are ready to bear anything if it's guarantee a good academic future, anything on behalf of their children too. I have seen general lay men being treated like refugee seeking aid, by school just because they wants admission of their kids.

What would have happened to those children, how they had feel and will feel for rest of their life .They could not do anything to stop it, even a child's most hoped protection couldn't protect them. Even their parents couldn't save them.

I recall everything my friends from hostel told me for a moment about their hostel life it was not molestation exactly but it was as bad as it is.

I have heard Budhanilkantha school is very strict one, caught smoking could expel you. If it's so strict why it didn't do anything about this up to year when children were making complains.

It's not they expel us because smoking is bad for our health but it's bad for a school prestige. We are nothing more than matter of prestige, pride and dignity for elders.

They would chop our heads if they have to, for them what matter is pride, status, dignity and prestige in society.

There is one thing, my own kids are never going to school, I know education is basic but something is more important than that and that's life. I would let them study at home if they want and arrange it for them.

It's left about my future, I don't know what I am going to do but 9 to 5 is out of option boy. No, NO way.

I know my dad will feel bad but I don't care anymore.

I have born, I will die and my future I don't give damn f$ck to my future

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canning of kids

By: bikash jha

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