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Future Plans For Australian Biodiversity Conversation

Biodiversity in Australia

Of any continent, Australia has had the largest decline in biodiversity over the past 200 years. Despite this unfortunate record, Australia still has some of the richest biodiversity in the world. Today community groups, farmers and government are working hard to preserve and restore Australia's unique biodiversity.

The early settlers who established Australia's agricultural industry, attempted to do so by transform the landscape for farming to what they were used to in Europe. To do this required large scale clearing of native bush and pastures, which subsequently lead to reduced habitat for many native animals and species.

Over time it became clear that this style of land management was not beneficial for the environment, biodiversity or the farmers' livelihood, with natural resources being depleted. With this realisation came new farming practices, which today are still being refined to ensure that Australian cattle and sheep farmers can minimise their impact on biodiversity and in many instances reintroduce native pastures, bushland and even native endangered animal species back into the landscape.
Future Plans For Australian Biodiversity Conversation

Clearing vegetation

The areas of southern Australia in particular were widely felled of trees and native bush with the introduction of agriculture in Australia over 200 years ago. However, it's important to also note that many areas of Australia are naturally void of trees and shrubs. In Northern Australia vegetation clearing was used both for the running of livestock but also as part of wild fire management strategies, which were based on Aboriginal systems of minimising the severity of wild fires.

Since 2006vegetation clearing in all states and territories of Australia has been banned by state governments in order to preserve native vegetation, protect the soils and waterways and the animals that live there. The ban on clearing trees on agricultural land has helped Australia to meet its Kyoto targets, from the C02 that trees and scrub is able to sequester. Some farmers, particularly in Northern Australia where native bush grows very aggressively and quickly, are frustrated that the ban has lead to massive loss of workable land and dispute the total ban on tree clearing.

Australian nature conservation

There are many stories of cattle and sheep farmers across Australia who are committed to natural resource management. Cattle and sheep farmers invest large amounts of time and money into restoring properties and protecting biodiversity for all Australians. There are plenty of examples of farming families who have declared parts of their property as nature refuges and set aside large parts of their property solely for biodiversity purposes.

There are also plenty of instances of nature refuges, rich in Australian biodiversisty, that have cattle lighting grazing within the refuge harmoniously with dual benefit. On a property in central Queensland for example, a colony of the endangered Flashjack (Bridles tail wallaby) live side by side with cattle in a nature refuge in amongst restored brigalow areas.

Australian soils

One of the most significant impacts to the Australian landscape by early settlers farming methods was the decline in soil health. Today farmers realise that they manage more than just their animals they also manage the living organisms of the grass and bushland, but most importantly they manage the soil. Today farmers see themselves as managing a number of living organisms, not the just the animals and realise that soil health is the most important thing for the sustainability of their environment and business.

Australian land use

Australia is an extremely dry continent and we only have 7% arable land, which means that only 7% of our landscape enables us to produce crops. Australia's livestock industry is globally unique in the way that our herd grazes the extensive arable and semi-arable areas of the country almost 47% of it. This practice of grazing on land that is unable to be used for any other food production system, whilst coexisting with Australia's diverse biodiversity makes livestock grazing the most environmentally sustainable food production method for our Australia's population.

Future Plans For Australian Biodiversity Conversation

Today farmers, the government and community groups are working hard to preserve Australian biodiversity and reverse the impact of the significant loss of biodiversity in Australia since colonisation. Nationally tree clearing and vegetation clearing have been stopped and many farmers are practicing nature conservation. Australian land use purposes have been adjusted to work with our natural resources as sustainably as possible and today livestock farmers spend considerable time managing soil health to ensure that Australians can continue to enjoy some of the worlds' most sustainable beef for generations to come.

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Future Plans For Australian Biodiversity Conversation

By: Michael

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