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subject: Mlm Success Secrets - How To Create An Mlm Downline Online [print this page]

Mlm Success Secrets - How To Create An Mlm Downline Online

I know there are a lot of people out there searching for the mlm success secrets, so I wanted to offer some tips today about building an mlm organization online. It's a little different than the traditional offline marketing methods; From my experience I have discovered that building my mlm business on the internet has some definite advantages to traditional methods but by the same token it should not ever replace offline networking. After all network marketing is all about just that, networking! Those phone calls and meetings still need to take place!

Learn The MLM Success Secrets

If you decide to take up marketing your mlm online you will encounter some major plus points, the first one is that we have a LOT more potential prospects to reach out to than we ever could in our offline circle of contacts. Let's face it, most of us starting out in mlm do not have a vast network of offline business contacts or indeed any significant 'lead list' so a fast start is not possible. Secondly the internet offers some VERY powerful leverage, lead generation and follow-up can be done for us without our continued input, freeing up our time for other things. The internet offers an easy solution to lead follow up, don't totally replace this though in place of good old fashioned phone calls, we just do not need to cold call in our business which is great.

We need to have some basics in place when marketing our mlm business online,

1) It's vital to your success that you own a website. If you don't have your own website it will be very difficult if not almost impossible to make any money. A common method of getting leads is to have what's called a 'a squeeze page' this is basically a page where a visitor can enter their name and email address in return for useful information. If your at a squeeze page you will usually be offered something like an eBook to provoke you to exchange your contact details, this is something that you might want to consider implementing. Don't offer poor quality information, offer something that will benefit your visitors life in some way. So that you don't have to sit at your computer all day sending out emails to your leads it's best to make use of an autoresponder service (I recommend Aweber). Once you have your autoresponder you will put into the system the emails that you want it to send out and tell it when to send them and the system will do the rest for you!

2) The next step is to master the concepts of web traffic and get plenty of it to your webpage's. Without consistent traffic any internet business is dead in the water. Having an attractive offer and regular consistent visitors will see you getting plenty of leads which is great because it would be difficult not to have new recruits joining your business and earning you an income!

3) You want to be maximising your follow up process and in order to do this you should get yourself a good sales funnel system, in this process great value will continue to be delivered to your prospects. They will have the opportunity to buy products from you throughout the process, to help you with your business costs, you will earn affiliate income when a purchase is made. For this concept to work it is very important that you are fostering a relationship with your prospect, keep offering value and don't blast them emails about how great your mlm company is every day ;). Of course the ultimate aim is then to gradually increase your prospects exposure to your primary mlm opportunity. Using this method we can put ourselves in a very strong marketing position by having a list we can sell to time and time again. Ever heard the saying 'the money is in the list'? It's true ;)

You really can get some fantastic results if you decide to market your mlm on the internet, but does not replace personal human contact, it should in theory increase it! Because you will have so many more people to talk to.

by: James Hicks.

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