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Make Money Online Now Is Not The Answer

You may have heard about how many people have been able to create financial freedom by working with an MLM or network marketing opportunity. This article explains why there is such a potential to create a large income, and why duplication is absolutely vital to making that happen.

To clear up some confusion, be aware that MLM and network marketing are terms that are used interchangeably. They are two different ways of saying the same thing. Network marketing is the newer of the phrases, and it references the teamwork aspect of this method of making money. (You network with others.) The actual pay plan is what is referred to in MLM, which is short for multi-level marketing.

It is funny how so many individuals are under the false belief that MLM companies are illegal, even after all these years. The reason for that confusion is the payment structure is reminiscent of pyramid schemes, where there are no products sold, but everyone pays money to the people who recruited them.

They are totally different entities. To be against the idea of network marketing because of the existence of pyramid schemes does not make sense. It would be like refusing to ever get in a car, because cars are so often used to rob banks and commit other crimes. (That would be silly.)

So, where does the potential to create fiscal freedom in network marketing come from? It has to do with the fact that you work with a team of of people who join your organization under you. You will earn income, several levels beneath you, whenever anyone on your team, sells a product or buys a product. Similarly, when you buy or sell something, people above you are benefited as well.

Success is achieved when you refer other people to join under you, and then you teach them how to refer others, which they do. And, they teach their referrals how to refer others, etc. This process is known as duplication and it is very powerful if you can keep it going.

In fact, with enough time and duplication, it is possible to become wealthy. If you are unable to achieve duplication, but you are good at getting direct referrals, there is still some money to be made, but nothing that big.

Here's an example: The monthly commitment is for purchases of at least $50 a month. You get the biggest commission on your direct referrals (first level), and less money on your the other levels, your indirect referrals. Let's say it's $10 on level 1, $5 on level 2, $4 on level 3, $3 on level 4, $2 on level 5 and $1 on level 6.

Duplication is so powerful that if you have a ton of it, you might make a lot of money, even if you only counted the sixth level -- which is only a dollar profit. On the other hand, if you are great at referring and terrible at teaching others how to refer, then even without duplication, you could make some residual income, just from the $10 first level payments alone. However, it would not be anything like what duplication would bring you.

by: Rybo Nelson

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