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subject: Window Security: Keep The Burglars Out And The Children In [print this page]

Window Security: Keep The Burglars Out And The Children In

When considering window accessories, home and personal security should be your priorities.

Enhancing your Windows for Home Security

The most recent detailed statistics from the FBI show that over 2 million burglaries were committed in 2008. Of these, 32.3 percent were defined as 'unlawful entries', meaning that no force was used, while 61.2 percent involved forcible entry. The average dollar loss per burglary was $2,079. Although preliminary reports for 2009 show a slight decrease (1.7 percent), these figures highlight the importance of window accessories that improve your home security.

Burglars are often opportunists--an open or unlocked window is an opportunity not to be missed. Ground level windows are a common entry point for burglars, especially those at the rear of the property or those not easily visible.

Burglars rarely break windows to enter a home because they want to avoid calling attention to themselves. Window locks can considerably improve your home security and act as a deterrent to would-be burglars looking for easy access. New windows are usually installed with locks and/or locking fasteners.

If your windows don't have locks, you can fit secondary locks and/or replace the catches or fasteners with lockable ones.

Burglar bars are another useful security option for easily accessible windows.

When fitting window locks and burglar bars, be sure you can access the key easily in an emergency--you may need to get out quickly.

Enhancing your Windows for Child Safety

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends window guards to help prevent a large portion of the annual 400,000 emergency room visits due to traumatic brain injuries among children under fourteen years old. Window locks can also help keep them safe.

Many locks allow windows to be opened a little way--just enough for ventilation but not enough to let a burglar in or a child out. The maximum opening for child safety is 2.5 inches.

These locks should be fitted so that a burglar can't reach in and open the window further, open a nearby door, or get hold of keys or valuables. At ground level, these windows should be locked shut when you are not at home.

by: QW HON

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