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subject: Cat Flaps And Nets, Catnip And Toys: Safety And Well-being [print this page]

Cat Flaps And Nets, Catnip And Toys: Safety And Well-being

We recently moved from a bungalow house to a two story house with a balcony and yard. Now this meant a lot of logistical things my husband and I have to get used to. I am most particular of acclimatizing my 7 year old male half Persian cat, Crumpet to his new environment. Unlike before that he only was allowed only indoors, now he has a luxury of rolling in the fresh grass, feeling the warmth of sunlight and seeing things from a bird's eye view from our balcony. But from my experience, this also meant a lot of trouble since he wouldn't have the knowledge of safety and such around our new home. This is why I invested in a bunch of new stuff for him: cat flaps and nets, toys and catnip.

I'll be discussing the use of these accesories plus my personal experience with them one by one. First, I think everyone is familiar with a cat flap - it is simply a pet door. For safety however, I had an automatic cat flap intstalled. This meant that Crumpet wears a certain electronic ID around her collar that permits her to enter and leave the premises. If we wanted to keep her inside the house then, we would simply remove the collar or lock the cat flap itself. It is a good safety feature while at the same time letting the cat do as it pleases. Cat nets are for the balcony which makes sure that they don't jump about recklessly. Remember that cats aren't afraid of heights - they can jump from the balcony to the top of a railing with pinpoint accuracy. Well, I'm not as confident in Crumpet - as he was raised indoors for 7 years. Thus, cat flaps and nets provide this much needed security for them and peace of mind for me as a pet owner.

Toys and catnip are also needed especially now that I have a yard. Now that I actually have an open space to play with Crumpet together with a lot of kitty safety features in the house, I wouldn't miss this opportunity. The selection for kitty playthings are numerous and while it isn't very important what the toy is, it is very important to play with your cat. Cats are social creatures, and homegrown cats have to socialize with people. Thus, make sure you stimulate them by animating the toys, playing and talking with them. Now that Crumpet has space outside too, getting his high on catnip is fine as he can do as he wish around the grassy yard.

Cat flaps and nets, toys and catnip are very ideal if you as a cat owner, are in similar circumstances as I am. Safety and well being of your pet is very important and one without the other means that you probably have a pet prone to getting hurt, or depressed pet. Make sure that you make a good inquiry from cat specialty pet shops if you are lucky to have one near your place. If not, go online which actually makes things much easier.

by: caroline stevenson

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