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The team that founded Commercial Debt Counseling began in 1996 providing financial and creditor negotiations, settlement, and arbitration services on behalf of individuals and small businesses in California. Commercial Debt Counseling is a service provided by CuraDebt Commercial

The directors of negotiation have been involved in business for over 25 years, hold real estate licenses, have an extensive knowledge in businesses, commercial debt, hard to find loans, and the inner works of banks and commercial lenders. This experience complements their ability to negotiate settlements with lien holders, banks (credit card companies and mortgage banks), vendors, equipment leasors, and resolve various other disputes. These factors create the ability to assist your business that is experiencing financial difficulty by restructuring your corporate debts into a payment that works with your cash flow and frees up valuable company resources.

The Commercial Debt Counseling team has restructured over $75 million in business debts.

The company is a member of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce.

Bankruptcy is the last option and typically the worst option a struggling business can make. In addition to being a very stressful action emotionally, there are a variety of other negative ramifications:

The bankruptcy process typically involves attorneys, trustees, the courthouse and other institutions. It may take up to or more than a year of your valuable time plus considerable expenses from the business. During this time, you effectively give up control of your company to the court and the court appointed trustee.

In addition, in many cases bankruptcy is not an option. Due to tighter bankruptcy laws, the act of filing bankruptcy may cause you to lose your business.

The most long term negative result of bankruptcy is the mark it leaves on your credit. As a business owner, you may need credit in the future. By having filed bankruptcy, you have shown future creditors that you will walk away from your debts. This signifies an increase in risk for lenders and may result in denial of future credits or much higher interest rates.

A much better alternative is Business Debt Restructuring where we work with your creditors based on your budget to save you as much money as possible as well as get your debts resolved as quickly as possible. The goal is to enable you to focus on and grow your business while we work with your creditors.

*If you are considering bankrutpcy, you should speak with a bankruptcy attorney.

Roland Hubinette.

We Can Help You To Resolve Your IRS Tax Debt Today

By: Roland Hubinette

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