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Egyptian Christmas Festival

Egypt has its special prominence when it comes to the celebrations of Christmas. It has become a tradition to celebrate this day every year in the month of January. This years celebrations will be commencing from 7th January and will be lasting for almost forty days. It is said that the celebrations will greatly add to Egypt flights from other African countries as well as western countries with dense Christian population. One may raise the question that its an annual celebration that holds every year in the world on 25th century then why to go to Egypt for Christmas celebration??? The simple answer to this question is that it is so because of the time the Nobel family of Christ spent here.

It has now become the traditional event in the calendar of Egypt and the country has its own Pope who is the head of the Coptic churches of Egypt and the Sudan. It is a largely celebrated event that is attended by both the residents of the area as well as foreigners getting into the region by taking flights to Egypt. Services are usually held in the ancient Coptic language IN the capital city of the country, Cairo. It is one of the most remarkable Egyptian traditions that have survived from ancient Pharonic Egypt. Generally Christmas is celebrated on 25th December but in Egypt its celebrations held on 7th January. This variation in the dates comes from the difference between the Coptic and Gregorian calendars. If you get a chance of taking your cheap flights to Egypt for the month of January do not miss it.

There are some very interesting things you will know about this event such as; it is celebrated for forty days and during these all days the people give up the use of meat, poultry or dairy products. Although Egypt is mostly a Muslim country but one may find purely Christian Stores, with belly dancing Santas in the windows, and much more in many areas with Cairo and other places. If you take cheap Egypt flights you will find these in areas like Zamalek. Event starts with fasting that does not mean going completely without food but only animal-products are forbidden. The last 30 days of the event are most exciting and worth attending. Much of the Christmas celebration actually begins in the last week leading up to Christmas and this is the time that the event s joined by those taken flights to Egypt from UK and other places.

by: naha ali

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