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Day Trading Books Reviews - Best Books For Options Traders

Day Trading Books Reviews

It seems like there is a million different books available about various strategies for options traders and investors. With such a large quantity of resources available, here are the top three books for options traders.

Get Rich with Options by Lee Lowell

This book covers in depth the options trading strategies that the top traders and market makers use. For the beginner, Lowell starts with the basics of options trading and then moves to a very practical "how to" of the strategies he has had the most success with. The book is loaded with charts and examples so that the reader gains a clear understanding of Lowell's strategies. Day Trading Books Reviews

Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas

Trading in the Zone is another fantastic resource for traders. Douglas states that one of his primary purposes is to, "Convince the trader that it is his attitude and 'state of mind' that determine his [or her] results." Instead of focusing on various trading strategies, Trading in the Zone is almost entirely dedicated to helping traders develop the mental skills to handle both profits and losses in a productive manner.

Rule #1 by Phil Town

If you are brand new to trading, Rule #1 is a great place to start. The title is a reference to Warren Buffets investment rules. Buffet says, "There are only two rules of investing: Rule #1: Don't loose money... and Rule #2: Don't forget Rule #1." He starts the book off by talking about many of the common myths associated with investing. Then, he walks through in a very practical manner, the common things that any investor should consider before beginning to trade.

Staying sharp as a trader is absolutely essential. These three books are great resources to any traders library. Day Trading Books Reviews

Day Trading Books Reviews - Best Books For Options Traders

By: Trading Expert

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