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Horse Racing Results Yesterday Australia - Horse Racing Tracks in the Northern Territory

Horse Racing Results Yesterday Australia There is one thing that Australia's history shows, and that is that Australians have always loved horse racing. Horse racing tracks have been put through the Australian bush since settlers first gathered in small rural communities. Some of Australias iconic poets and Authors have dedicated hundreds of short stories and poems to this pursuit. No doubt over the centuries it has probably been accountable for numerous lonely deaths too in the wide Australian bush. Some of these lonely depressed men have been documented in dedicated short stories and other deaths have simply happened with no memory of those that have passed unnoticed. Australia still boasts many horse racing tracks in most major regional centres in every state and territory of Australia. Many people aren't aware that Australia actually has two 'states' that are actually territories and still don't have full autonomy without Canberras 'say-so' to some of their legislative assemblies proposals. And that includes legislation governing the horse racing industry. Darwin, capital city of the Northern Territory, is still a territory of Australia and has to get approval from Canberra for some things still. The horse racing industry in Australia is a multi-billion dollar a year industry and both Territory and Federal Governments take a fair whack of Tax money out of it. The Darwin Turf Club is located at Fannie Bay; just a stones throw from the beautiful but crocodile infested harbour. I have watched the race track develop since 1969 and I have had many, many enjoyable Saturday afternoons sucking on a "coldie" and listening to "wannabe" and successful gamblers offer their oft-times and sometimes never asked for opinions about the next horse race. Horse Racing Results Yesterday Australia Sometimes I have listened to the successful gamblers and come away at the end of the day in profit and at others I have walked away totally skint from listening to the wrong gamblers. Two of these gamblers lived off their winnings for some time. The bloke named Arnie was the most successful gambler I have ever met and he had a system that he kept to himself but would share his advice freely with those he liked after a certain number of beers. He actually gave up gambling to stop drinking as he thought (correctly so) that he was an alcoholic. He blamed having too much time on his hands with nothing else to do except bet and wait. He was filling in his life time drinking. A very interesting character. What did he do when he gave up living off his winnings? He 'went bush' to a Mining camp and dried-out working his butt off and then he left Darwin and retired to Brisbane where he owned Property and the last I heard he had gone back gambling and to the drink. The second fellow I knew who was a professional gambler wasn't nearly as successful and he got married so that was the end of his not-so-lucrative gambling system. Last I heard he was still married and working out on an oil rig in the East Timor sea. The horse racing track in Darwin used to be dirt and every Friday/Saturday morning the truck used to go around and around spraying out oil gathered from the local garages and aviation hangars to lay the dust. In the middle of the dry season without this dust being settled, the spectators couldn't even see the horses around the other side of the track and anyone, like my friends, who had a house opposite the track, used to get covered in very fine red dust. Horse racing tracks differ greatly around the country and around the world. One day it would be fun to visit as many of them as financially possible so I either have to have a big win or give up gambling. Horse Racing Results Yesterday Australia

Horse Racing Results Yesterday Australia - Horse Racing Tracks in the Northern Territory

By: Betting Expert

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