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Ride a Bike to Improve Your Relationship With Your Children

How to start?

Set apart a day (or a couple of days) where you can put aside a couple of hours to ride a bike with your kids. It can be as often as you like but try and make it at least once a week. Make sure all of your gear is in working condition. It would be counter productive if you were starting on your trip and realised one of the tyres wasn't in a suitable form to be ridden on.

If you haven't purchased toddler or kid bikes for your children, it is always advisable to purchase a PreBike for your children. A PreBike is a bike without training wheels or pedals. Your children can simply glide along next to you (there are foot holders). PreBikes or children bikes are recommended due to their incredible developmental attributes. A PreBike will help your child's motor-skills and balance improve.

What to plan for?

When planning a bike trip for you and your kids, you need to plan a bit in advance. You should always have a first aid kit on hand, just in case one of your little ones falls and hurts himself. It's also suggested that you take with you a lot of water and juice to prevent dehydration. If you know you're going to be taking a longer route (consider how long it will take your children to do), then pack a small light lunch that you can enjoy in a park somewhere.

Why does this work?

By spending time with your children, outside of your home, doing a healthy, fun exercise, you are teaching them incredible lessons they'll take with them throughout the rest of their lives. It is the early stages for your child's development that you need to focus on in order to make sure they are a success through the rest of their life. It also improves the relationship with your kids, making sure you can talk to them and listen to them without any outside distractions.

Ride a Bike to Improve Your Relationship With Your Children

By: Melanie R Thomas

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