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subject: The Pressure of Not Being Able To Get Pregnant - How It Affects Your Chances of Actually Getting Pregnant [print this page]

The Pressure of Not Being Able To Get Pregnant - How It Affects Your Chances of Actually Getting Pregnant

There is a lot of pressure when it comes to trying to get pregnant, especially when a couple have been trying for about a year or two and have not succeeded in conceiving the kid they want so badly. The pressure doses nothing but mounts over time. However, it has been proven time and again that having a lot of pressure or stress about you not being able to get pregnant can adversely affect your chances of actually getting pregnant!

If you are trying to get pregnant, my best advice to you would be that you try to relax and not stress about it too much. I know after 1, 2, or 3 years of trying but failing to conceive, this becomes much easier said than done, however just do whatever you can so that you don't think about the fact that you are struggling but failing to conceive the baby of your dreams. Focus on your relationship as a couple, instead of the idea of trying to get a kid.

For me, we were planning our wedding and decided that we'd be fine with getting pregnant whenever it happened. I'd been on the pill for a while and we decided I'd stop taking them, but we wouldn't say we were actually "trying" because it would put pressure on us. I was thinking it would take at least 6 months or so, but that conversation took place in November. Our wedding was scheduled for March 24. When we got married, I was 12 weeks pregnant. I wasn't expecting it, wasn't stressed about it or anything. My mind wasn't even on getting pregnant. By the time I noticed the symptoms, everyone knew I was pregnant except me!

If you guys have both been tested and are fine, maybe you should invest in ovulation kits and try that. Also, here's an old wives tale that I've been told by several people actually works--take some Geritol. Supposedly it builds up your system somehow. I don't know, but at least it can't hurt you.
The Pressure of Not Being Able To Get Pregnant - How It Affects Your Chances of Actually Getting Pregnant

There is also this great natural infertility cure guide which I can say helped me quite much too. It maybe did not make me pregnant, but it helped me to understand quite a lot on my body and many other women say this guide have been helping them a great deal. The guide I am talking about is called: the pregnancy miracle guide by Lisa Olson. I would advise any women who are having any kind of difficulties to get pregnant, to try the recommendations in this guide, since they have proven to be helpful to thousands of women round the world.

Click here ==> The Pregnancy Miracle Guide, to read more about this guide. I wish you all the best in conceiving.

The Pressure of Not Being Able To Get Pregnant - How It Affects Your Chances of Actually Getting Pregnant

By: Sarin Svensson F

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