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subject: Curcumin and Alzheimer's Prevention and Treatment [print this page]

Many recent studies have shown that curcumin and Alzheimer's prevention is a reality. Although in the early stages, this potent spice has many important qualities.

The curcumin and Alzheimer's connection is down to its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities. Curcumin is the active ingredient of turmeric and comes from the Curcuma longa plant.

A number of recent studies from the University of California and other institutions indicate that it improves the cognitive abilities of patients with Alzheimer's disease.

It seems that it is able to prevent the harmful plaques forming in the brain by boosting the immune system. These plaques are associated with the onset of Alzheimer's and taking curcumin regularly can help to prevent this condition.

By helping to keep the pathways in the brain clear, the transmissions can be sent with more clarity and speed, reducing anxiety.

This potent spice is said to be more effective than drugs like ibuprofen at reducing inflammation in the brain.

In addition to the curcumin and Alzheimer's connection, this spice helps to improve your cardiovascular health, treat arthritis, enhance liver function for improved detoxifying and also eases the symptoms of type II diabetes.

So how can you get the maximum benefits from Curcumin?

As it is very hard for the body to absorb (poor bioavailability), it should be taken with other synergistic nutrients. The best one is from black pepper and called piperine as it increases the bioavailability by up to 2000%.

To further increase its healing antioxidant powers green tea and milk thistle can help and the addition of ginkgo biloba helps to further improve your memory and ward off dementia in the future.

A standardized extract at 98% purity is the best type and then you can get the maximum benefits by only having 50mg a day.

An enteric coating is also necessary to protect the contents of the supplement from the stomach acid. Without this, the contents are released into the stomach and many of the benefits are lost.

Although there is a long way to go and much more research is needed, it is already proven that this spice can help you avoid Alzheimer's and many other degenerative diseases too while improving your health in the present.

By following the tips outlined here, you will be able to confidently select the very best curcumin extract and enjoy the maximum health benefits.

If you would like to learn more about the nutritional supplements I personally take that contain curcumin extract, visit my website below.

Curcumin and Alzheimer's Prevention and Treatment

By: Ric Hawkins

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