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subject: Use Outdoor Playground Equipment To Let Kids Be Kids Again [print this page]

Use Outdoor Playground Equipment To Let Kids Be Kids Again

Outdoor playground equipment has come a long way from the simple seesaw and swing set in the back yard. There are dazzling arrays of new options in just about any color you can imagine. It all starts with a good base though. Traditionally, play areas were covered with mulch or wood chips. These can be pretty rough when you fall on them. Splinters are also common occurrences. New products have become available that utilize rubber and other soft synthetic materials. These help cushion falls without a wound in site. Safety must always be consideration number one in any play area.

Outdoor playground equipment is becoming more and more plastic. Traditional equipment was usually made of metal or wood. Metals can be hard to install and will rust or corrode with time. In the hot summer sun, metals can heat up and be uncomfortable to hold or sit on. Wood is not as hot as metal, but over time it can begin to splinter and dry up. Plastics are softer than either wood or metal. They can also be made in a rainbow of colors that will not chip off or fade like paint does. They are usually easier to install and maintain as well.

Outdoor playground equipment can come in five styles: climbing, hanging, sliding, spinning or balancing. Climbing walls and cargo nets are joining the traditional monkey bars and trapezes. Balance beams challenge the balance alongside stepping stones and rope bridges. Slides come in short and long. They can be steel or plastic. The run can be smooth or bumpy. Do you want a cover or should it be open? Spinning roundabouts can make anyone dizzy. Equipment can also include activity boards with letters and numbers. It is possible to play tic-tac-toe in some places. Forts and bridges make everything work together. The idea is to captivate and stimulate kids physically as well as mentally.

Use outdoor playground equipment to make your space special for kids. Churches find kids enjoy coming when they can get out and play after services. Parks are more fun with a playground available. Businesses that cater to families become destinations for kids to play and parents to rest. How can you use it for your space? This type of equipment is an investment that can have years of payoff.

Are you ready to get started finding more about using outdoor playground equipment so that kids can have fun and be kids again? Don't wait, find out more about it today!

by: Troy Truman

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