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Yellow Fever 3,000 Travellers Die Each Year

Yellow fever is rare in the U.S. However, travelers who go to some certain locations in and round South America and Africa could be at threat.

The danger to a vacationer of getting this disease is reliant on immunisation status, location of travel, time of year, & length of exposure, occupational & recreational behavior throughout the visit, & the local rate of transmission of the sickness at the time of travel.

Yellow fever came to be by Mosquitoes spreading the virus which hit epidemic level in multiple hot countries, thankfully Philadelphia and New Orleans have not seen an additional outbreak in over 100 years with great health practice keeping the chance of scattering to a minimal.

There are 3 transference cycles of the virus:
Yellow Fever 3,000 Travellers Die Each Year

*Jungle Cycle - Every year a couple of 100 people are infected with the virus, this only happens in the tropical locations of Africa and South America and happens to young people who work in the forest areas, the virus spreading is caused by the Haemagogus, primates and Aedes mosquito.

* Intermediate cycle - Humans get infected from the Aedes mosquitoes, this happens in the Savannah locations in Africa.

* Urban cycle - Humans are bitten by the Aedes aegypti mosquito and can be the start of an epidemic.

The Yellow fever virus is located in Caribbean islands, 33 countries in Africa and 9 in South America.

After getting infected by a mosquito, the incubation time is 3-6 days. There are usually of short duration & different severity.

Mid signs of the virus start with sudden fever, muscle pains and headache, with nausea.

Most infections resolve after 48 hours.

Fewer than 16 percent of cases progress to a serious hemorrhagic fever. There is a time of cal between a couple of hours to a day.

During this phase you will vomit blood, may be black and resemble ground coffee, other haemorrhagic symptoms will be bleeding from the nose and gums.

Liver enzymes abnormalities and coagulation factors are most likely to be liver and kidney failure.

By demonstrating viral antigens by molecular methods such as PCR, in a virus laboratory, you are able to diagnose Yellow fever.

Yellow fever has no treatment; you can only treat the symptoms.

To prevent getting the disease from one of the know epidemic countries, follow the guide from the Centre for Disease Control (CDC):

Take precaution against mosquito bites and by getting the vaccination you can prevent getting Yellow fever.

Travelers should be vaccinated against yellow fever before visiting areas where the disease occurs. In the U.S., the vaccine is given only at designated yellow fever vaccination centers.

You must have a valid vaccination certificate for Yellow fever while trailing to certain countries, as International regulations will require proof.

Mosquitoes that spread Yellow fever in tropical areas bite through the day, but mostly at dusk and again in the morning, do try to avoid them.

Spray your clothes with permethirn insecticide, and wear long sleeves and trousers.
Yellow Fever 3,000 Travellers Die Each Year

Use insect repellent on exposed skin. Repellents containing DEET (N, N-diethylmetatoluamide), Pica Ridin (KBR 3023), IR 3535, p-Menthane 3.8-diol (PMD or oil of lemon eucalyptus) are effective. Follow the application carefully.

Stay in screened areas when in doors and get plenty of insecticide to spray round living areas and sleeping areas.

Yellow Fever 3,000 Travellers Die Each Year

By: Jim00 Wilson

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