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subject: Teenage Girl Bullies - Jealous Of The Victims They Abuse? [print this page]

Teenage Girl Bullies - Jealous Of The Victims They Abuse?

What is the makeup behind teenage girl bullies? Studies suggest that bullying victims makes female bullies feel good about themselves, important, and always in control. They use rumors and teasing as a way of diminishing their victims. They think it?s cool to hurt others.

Female bullies want to garner attention. They are most likely spoiled and always get what they want. Some feel bullying is a path to respect and popularity. More often than not, they are jealous of the very victims they abuse. A more insidious reason is because they find it a fun thing to do, or only do it because their friends do it which endears them to a particular group of teenage girl bullies.

One point about female bullies that has not been addressed is the fact that not all bullies are aggressive. There is an old saying, ?Watch out for the quiet ones.? Studies concur that some female bullies are just that, quiet, reserved, and do not draw attention to themselves. They lurk in the shadows as they choose their next target. However, these teenage girl bullies can become even more effective in their methods of abuse than overt bullies. They stalk their victims, learn their habits, assess their friends, and try to find the one area in which they are most vulnerable.

Like boy bullies, female bullies are dominant and want to dominate others. The bullying victims are unaware of what lies ahead when they are in the company of female bullies. The victim may unintentionally disclose a particular secret to a friend, who in turn, will divulge that secret to the female bully. For the bullying victims, this is the beginning of a reign of terror unlike anything they have ever experienced.
Teenage Girl Bullies - Jealous Of The Victims They Abuse?

Subtlety is the forte of most female bullies. Rumors and other methods to make the bullying victim insecure and filled with self-doubt are the tools most female bullies will utilize. Consistent harassment will leave the victim helpless in her request to redeem her good name. She may also lose her own friends because they do not want to become victims as well. Isolation occurs, poor eating habits, absenteeism, perhaps even transferring to another school may be the final outcome.

Common among all bullies is the lack of caring, an apathetic side to them that dominates their every move. Perhaps they were bullied as a child, or they may be a by-product of parents who have strong personalities.

Some studies suggest that female bullies are themselves insecure, and so they dominate to feel better. The more punishment they exact on innocent victims, the more empowered they become. For whatever imaginable reason, teenage girl bullies can be vicious in their abuse, while subtle in their approach. Like a spider in a web, they may offer friendship to the intended victim, learn all they can, then strike when least expected. It is a sad commentary on the state of schools today that this type of behavior cannot be analyzed and prevented before serious consequences ensue.

Copyright By Mandy-Jane Clarke

Teenage Girl Bullies - Jealous Of The Victims They Abuse?

By: Mandy Jane Clarke

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