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Overcome Childhood Obesity

The pediatrician may also refer you to a nutritionist. If it doesn't come up automatically from the doctor, ask about it. A nutritionist is key to making sure your child can grow properly and still move towards a healthier weight. In the meantime, here are some tips to help get you started. The days seem to be gone when wholesome, healthy meals are prepared every day. We now rely heavily on processed foods that have been prepared in advance and preserved in cans or frozen dinners. This is completely unhealthy for our diet.

Fats are a needed part of a child's diet, but only 30% of his or her diet should consist of fats and oils. Saturated fats should be limited to 10% of daily intake. Unsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, found in olive, peanut, and canola oils, as well as safflower, sunflower, corn soybean and cottonseed oils, are healthier. Manage your lifestyle and make any chance on bad habits so parents and children can consider exercise as an important part of daily routine. One of the most effective ways to reduce obesity is replacing their time in front of television into physical or outdoor activities to give their body some time to exercise.

Obviously you know this, right! The trick to getting your child off of the couch and outside is not really a trick at all. The truth is that every child is different and the same motivation tactics that work to help one overweight child get moving might not help the next. This is were your true parenting skills come into play. Unhealthy lifestyles are the result of obesity among youth and children. Depression and low self esteem can result in long term emotional problems for children overweight.

Next should be activities to include the family, walking, out door games. Our children should not be playing video games more than they are playing sports or reading or in home chores. Until we set the example and get healthy ourselves then this will continue to be past to generations to come. Each year the amount of food consumed away from the family dinner table, and the amount of sugar-sweetened drinks taken in by teenagers goes up and up.Even when kids do eat at home, the work schedules of moms nowadays sometimes results in less nutritious, but quicker meal preparation.

Don't let them into your house. Do not pick up junk food for snacks when you out and about. This includes sweets of all kinds; cookies, candy, ice cream and cakes. Stay away from potato chips, cheese doodles and the like. Sodas, highly sweetened fruit juices and tasty flavored milk drinks should be prohibited. Whenever possible, make mealtime a social event. Turn off the TV, put down the newspaper and engage your children in conversation. How are they doing in school, sports, dance, and music or their favorite video game or whatever their current interest is? If a product has more than say five or six ingredients and some of them you do not know how to pronounce leave it on the shelf.

Overcome Childhood Obesity

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