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subject: Have Genital Herpes? - Treatment for the Phyiscal and Emotional Effects of Herpes [print this page]

If you're asking the question do I have genital herpes, or if you do have genital herpes, you know what a harrowing and emotional experience it can be. And it's not just the painful and uncomfortable outbreaks, there's also the emotional toll that this virus takes. There is a lot of misinformation, myth and rumour surrounding the disease (like most STDs) and this can lead sufferers to feel embarrassed and anxious, stressed and lonely, or in many cases depressed and down.

Genital Herpes is not the terrible monster it is made out to be. It's a niggling little virus, that with the right treatment and lifestyle changes can be easily and effectively controlled. It does not mean your sex life is over, it does not mean you'll never have another relationship, and it does not mean you'll be considered dirty, promiscuous or 'slutty'.

If you have genital herpes, you need to take the necessary steps to control it, and then have the right mindset to get on with your life. With the right treatment outbreaks can be stopped and transmission risk can be lowered, and with a few easy lifestyle changes you can control the frequency and severity of the virus.

The first step is treatment. A lucky few who have genital herpes may be able to control herpes with lifestyle and diet alone, but there is still the risk of transmission. There's many different types of treatment to consider, and different people will have different luck with different treatments. There are prescribed antiviral medicines that are very effective, but are costly and can cause side effects. There are homeopathic and herbal remedies that are very effective, but it takes much research and trial and error to find the right one that works for you, and unfortunately there are some companies selling 'snake oil', or products that simply don't do what they say they will.

Both types of treatment have their risks and different levels of effectiveness; you just need to find the one that works for you.

Lifestyle is a big factor too. Stress is a major instigator of genital herpes outbreaks, and many who have genital herpes are completely unaware of this. Reduce stress and you'll be amazed at the improvement on your herpes outbreak frequency and severity, and also the positive effect on the rest of your life. Diet is another big one; don't eat fatty or sugary foods, and this means fast food and junk food. Avoid excessive alcohol, get plenty of exercise, and keep yourself clean. An extra bath or shower per day will go a long way to preventing herpes outbreaks.

If you have genital herpes, remember, it's not the end of the world, and with the right mindset, the right lifestyle and the right treatment, you can give genital herpes the flick and lead a happy, normal and fulfilling life.

Have Genital Herpes? - Treatment for the Phyiscal and Emotional Effects of Herpes

By: Jeff Paterson

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