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Indicators to Watch Out For If Your Child Has Dyslexia

Indicators to Watch Out for If Your Child Has Dyslexia

Children with dyslexia may look like ordinary normal children. You may not know any difference until you discover that they have learning difficulties in reading, writing and comprehension, and some other basic skills that normal children have.

Dyslexia in children can differ in many ways. Some may have a weak type or others may have the more serious kind of dyslexia. It would be good to know indicators that would help you recognize dyslexia in your child so you can immediately implement the proper measures to help him.

Indicators to Watch Out For If Your Child Has Dyslexia

One of the indicators is slow verbal communication skills where your child may have difficulty in pronouncing words properly. Other common indicators show that your child has difficulty differentiating colors, alphabets and numbers. They cant properly hold a book and can't figure out the words they are reading, difficulty in distinguish the sounds of the words and difficulty in comprehension. They can talk but only very little.

Most indicators point to learning skills and this is where children with dyslexia suffer most. Because of these setbacks, the child may incur emotional setbacks in his life. Since your child can't cope up with school activities this would result to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, bad behavior and perhaps depression.

If dyslexia is detected early in your child there would be better chances of overcoming this condition. Sometimes it would be difficult to see the indicators unless your child goes to school. If the child is observed to have difficulty in reading and understanding, shows difficulty in writing and is not too interested in lessons, then the teacher could surmise something is wrong. It would always be a good thing if you would always make it a point to check with his teacher about his progress in school, and if there are indicators of dyslexia, then you can use the proper educational methods and tools to help your child.

As a parent it is your responsibility to know what is good for your child. You must be aware of medical conditions, impairments and illnesses that could happen to your child. You must educate yourself and be curious about early childhood development since you have a young child. If you are able to observe that your child has some difficulty learning how to talk and listen even before he reaches school age, you must have your child diagnosed by your pediatrician to find out the problem. Early detection of this condition is an important factor to help the child deal with dyslexia. It would be your advantage if you become a curious mom. Know and learn about dyslexia or any other children's diseases, impairments and medical conditions to become a better mom to your children.

Indicators to Watch Out For If Your Child Has Dyslexia

By: Angela Borshishz

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