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What to Tell the Children

Parents need to know what they should tell their children about school. They realize the system is in need of transformation, but they also feel their children need to be going to school. Here are the key messages you should be conversing to your kids.

1. Education is a lifelong process

Going to school is just a part of the process sometimes one of the smallest parts. There are many priceless skills to learn from school, but never stop pursuing the things you want to learn.

2. School is primarily an employment process
What to Tell the Children

It is designed to prepare you to earn money and to operate adequately in the area of life we call work.

3. It is a game of winners and losers

Play hard and play fair. Always have compassion and modesty when you are winning and the guts to get back up when you've been knocked down.

4. If you start, commit to finish

Learn to accept challenges. Have the doggedness to do your best and finish what you starts which are lifelong skills worth cultivating. Quitting when things get tough is not habit one wants to develop. Discipline, particularly in the face of hardship is a valuable asset in this world.

5. Schools are great places t learn how to find information

As long as you are going to be there, make the most of your time at school. Learn how to locate precise information. Many teachers are good researchers. Use them wisely by asking them questions about where you might go to get information, on almost any and all questions that might happen to you and to some that might not.

6. It's better to look stupid than to be stupid

If you don't understand something, ask for explanation. If the teacher wants a volunteer, volunteer. People learn more by participation than by being silent and attempting to look cool. Be willing to make mistakes they are primary way we learn.

7. Take advantage of being young

There are adventures and opportunities that are best accomplished while you are young. Plenty of time remains after school to be a serious, career-oriented stick in-the-mud.

8. Seek the one Right' answer But don't stop there

Figure out what answer the teacher expects, but then find a minimum of two or more answers. Having the aptitude to find multiple answers to problems in life will provide you with options. These options are the key to freedom. A life without choices can quickly turn into a misery.

9. Believe in yourself

Don't take tagging and grading too seriously. It is done for the benefit of the teachers. It does not mean that you are smart or that you are dumb. Everyone learns in different ways and at different rates. Follow your dreams no matter what anyone tells you!

10. "My love is forever"
What to Tell the Children

Tell your children that no matter how they do in school, they are very special to you. Remember that school is only a game. Assure your kids that school and grades will come and go, but you will always love them.

Academic instruction isn't the only responsibility teachers have in today's classrooms. More and more, teachers are being called on to teach students about values ... things like making good decisions, the showing of respect, taking responsibility, choosing friends, and having a positive attitude. It's a responsibility that could be overwhelming, considering the limited hours available in a school day, the number of kids in the classroom, and the diversity of backgrounds and personalities each child represents.

Character Education by Just Do The Right Thing" is a practical and powerful tool that equips educators to tackle values training with confidence.

By: Francis DavidWhat to Tell the ChildrenBy: Francis David

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