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Want To Look Ripped For Summer?

To really look ripped and have the definition that every man wants, most people assume that you need get get a gym membership. The normal thought process is that heavier weight and less repetitions and more weight means more bulk, and less weight and more repetitions means more definition.

This is slightly untrue. Yes, less weight and more reps gives you better endurance, but it doesn't necessarily mean it is better for definition. Definition has more to do with how good of shape you are in in general, rather than your lifting schedule. If you want to increase your strength, you must work with at least 60% of your maximum weight for one rep. Some people have problems because they are so focused on "definition", that they do so few reps in doesn't increase their strength. Either way, when you are deciding on how much weigh to lift, definition shouldn't be an issue. The decision is endurance vs. strength, rather than definition and bulk.

Really though, 'lifting for definition' isnonexistent. You cannot lift to make your muscles more defined, as "definition" is more about how well your skin clings to your muscles. What keeps your definition from showing is body fat coating your muscles. If you want to look fit, you must lose the fat.

The first thing to look at is your diet. Eating correctly is a must-do if you want to look fit and ripped. Two quick ways of giving your diet a boost is to strictly limit the amount of dairy products you eat (like coffee creamers and ice cream), and also limit the amount of complex carbohydrates after lunch, as it is more difficult to work off during your day to day activities if you eat carbs later in the day.

Another thing that can make you look far more defined is to increase your cardio workouts. Many people worry that they will lose muscle if they do more cardio workouts, but that is not true at all. Rather the opposite actually. It will make you more in shape and make you look more cut.

To sum it up, lift weights, but also make sure that you are eating right and doing enough cardio to supplement your lifting, and you will look ripped before you know it.

Want To Look Ripped For Summer?

By: Mike D

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