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Cape Town climate

For those planning on vacationing in Cape Town, bear in mind that the Cape Peninsula has a Mediterranean climate, this means that it has mild, wet winters and dry, very warm summers. If you are planning to come in winter time, which lasts from the beginning of June until the end of August (and often into September), be sure to pack warm clothes and a rain coat as large cold fronts come across from the Atlantic Ocean with heavy precipitation and strong north-westerly winds. The winter months tend to be quite cool with an average minimum of 7 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 17.5 degrees Celsius.

Most of Cape Towns annual rainfall occurs in the wintertime, but the mountains topography causes some suburbs to experience more rainfall than others. Be warned if your Cape Town holiday house is in Newlands, as it is the wettest suburb in South Africa. Suburbs along Cape Towns west coast often experience sun when it is raining in the city bowl, this may be a better option for your winter stay in Cape Town.

Summer in Cape Town lasts from November to March and is warm and dry, this is when the South Easterly wind tends to blow. On an average summer day the mercury peaks at a comfortable 26.5 degrees Celsius. If you are planning to stay in a Clifton villa, this is the perfect time of year to hit the beach.

In February and March expect an uncomfortably warm wind to blow from the Karoo, known as the Berg wind (mountain wind)

The ocean on the Atlantic Seaboard averages at 10 degrees Celsius while 22 degrees Celsius in False Bay, this may make you reconsider your villa in Clifton Cape Town for a Cape Town holiday house on the warmer east coast.

Cape Town climate

By: Carlynne

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