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Travel Security Advice to Help Keep You Safe

When it comes to staying the night at a hotel or motel, it's very common for people to put their trust and safety in the hands of the establishment's managers and staff. But this can be a mistake, because just like your own home, criminal minds lurk everywhereincluding in hotels and motels. This is why it's important to always take personal responsibility for your safety and security. The following are a few security measures that can help keep you safe when staying at a hotel or motel.

Lower vs. Upper Levels

Ground level rooms are more vulnerable to crime than upper level rooms. This is due to the windows and doors on the ground floor being the easiest to access and escape fromsomething criminals look for when selecting their targets.

For optimal security, choose an upper level room where the main door to the room is the only form of access. In addition, avoid rooms near stairwells, as criminals prefer rooms closest to the stairs so they can make a quick escape. The last thing a criminal wants is to be trapped in a high-rise building. So the higher the level your room is located, the less likely it will be a target for burglary.
Travel Security Advice to Help Keep You Safe

Whenever entering a hotel or motel room, be sure look around the room, including closets, bathtubs, under beds, and any other spot someone could use as a hiding place.

Main Entry Doors

Many hotel and motel rooms nowadays come equipped with electronic card access systems. The advantage of these systems is it allows for the establishment to issue new guests a keycard with a unique room access code instead of a traditional metal key. This ensures the room cannot be accessed by previous guests or unauthorized employees.

For optimal protection, hotel room doors should be constructed of solid wood or metal. The doors should also securely close and lock on their own. Doors equipped with quality dead-bolt locks, chains, and peepholes with wide-angle lenses provide maximum safety when occupying the room.

Room Access

NEVER open the door to your room to someone you are not expecting. Many criminals have been known to pose as part of the hotel staff, such as room service, housekeeping, maintenance, and even security, as a way to get guests to open their door. If someone claiming to be a staff member shows up at your door unexpectedly, ask for their full name and then call the front desk to confirm their position with the hotel. Do not partially open the door and rely on swing bars or door chains as protection as you talk with the person. These devices are unreliable and can be easily broken through. Your best protection is the closed door with the dead bolt in place.

Rely on your instincts. Even if the front desk confirms the person's name, if you still aren't convinced, ask the front desk to send another staff member to your room so they can confirm the person standing at your door is truly who they claim to be. In addition, make sure to teach your children not to open the door without your permission.

Other Doors and Windows

If your room is located on the ground floor, ensure all accessible windows and sliding glass doors are locked and secure. Be sure to test the windows and doors when locked. If the locks appear flimsy, loose, or fail to provide a comfortable level of security, ask to switch rooms. If the windows or sliding door is not equipped with an anti-sliding device, ask if the hotel can provide you with a solid wooden or metal rod that you can place in the tracks.

If your room is located on an upper floor and you have access to a balcony, be sure to look around and determine how easy or difficult it would be for someone to gain access to your room from another balcony, patio, or even landscaping. If there is any way someone from another room can gain access to your room by climbing or jumping from one balcony to another, make sure to secure all windows and sliding doors when you are inside or away from your room.

For rooms with adjoining doors, make sure the door is equipped with a dead-bolt lock. If the door does not appear to be secure for any reason, ask for another room or switch hotels.

Parking Lots

Valet parking is much safer than self-parkingespecially if you are a woman traveling alone or with small children. If valet parking is not available, look for well-lit parking spots along the streets closest to the hotel or motel. If you must park in a covered parking lot and you are traveling alone, check your bags in at the front desk first and ask for security to ride with you or meet you in the parking area so they can escort you back to the hotel.

Occupancy Deterrents

Many burglars prefer to break into rooms that are unoccupied. This is why placing the "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door even when you are away from the room can be helpful in deterring criminals. Leaving the TV or radio on with the volume turned up loud enough to hear when standing at the door is also a great deterrent.
Travel Security Advice to Help Keep You Safe

In addition, leaving a light on can create the appearance of an occupied room. It will also help provide better visibility when returning to the room after dark.

Finding a hotel or motel with adequate security measures is important. When you find one that meets your standards of safety and comfort, continue to use the same hotel or at least the same chain of hotels whenever possible. Any time you are not provided with a room you can feel safe and secure in, make sure to file a complaint with hotel management. Your complaint can go a long way when it comes to your safety and the safety of future guests.

Travel Security Advice to Help Keep You Safe

By: Jordan Frankel

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