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subject: How To Advertise Online Without Spending A Penny [print this page]

Traditional forms of advertising can be very expensive and can put a strain on a small business budget. If you are looking to gain exposure for your small business by publishing an ad in the newspaper, using radio or TV commercials, or any other forms of print media, you are going to have to spend some money.

This is one of the number one benefits of e-marketing which places it above traditional marketing methods, in that it can be very cost-efficient. If you are looking for ways how to advertise online, I can help.

In fact, there are many strategies today for how to advertise online without even spending a penny. Once you have a registered domain set up with webhosting, you can use some of the following methods for how to advertise online for free.

How to Advertise Online for Free

Social Media Marketing: Set up accounts on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, LinkedIn, and any others which you wish to use. Become an active member on these sites and build relationships with others that generate interest about your products and services. This form of marketing is highly effective because it gives a face to your business and makes your business more approachable and more human. It is a great way to build some credibility online and develop a positive reputation as a trusted organization.

Blogging: Set up a blog in which you write high quality, useful articles related to your industry and the products and services which your company offers. This is one of the best ways how to advertise online. Be a regular contributor and you will start to generate a following which will lead to more traffic and exposure for your business. Make sure also to comment on other blogs as this creates more backlinks to your site and is another way to increase your own e-presence.

Article Marketing: Write articles related to your industry and post them on article directories online. Include a link to your site so that readers will be able to find you online after they have read your article. This is a great way to improve your Google search engine ranking because you are constantly increasing the number of links to your site every time you publish an article, and every time a webmaster grabs the article to post on their website.

If you want to know how to advertise online for free, review the above methods and find the one that best suits your niche and product market and start from there. As you get a feel for it, the methods and techniques of internet advertising will soon become easy to you. And maybe even fun.

by: Timothy Young

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