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subject: Personal Trainer No Sweat 500 Calorie Reduction Part 1 [print this page]

Having trouble shedding a pound off your weight? Did you know that one pound is equivalent to 3,500 calories? If you didn't well probably now you do. Judging by the number; 3,500 seem to be a lot to get rid of. For an average weight watcher, the healthiest way to lose would be a pound a week which can be broken down to an estimate of burning 500 calories a day. Do you want to know the secret of blasting these calories without depriving yourself? Read on for some effortless tactics in blazing off the extra calories and combating weight gain anytime, anywhere.

During Exercise Routines In working your way towards a more lean, healthy, and fit you; it is important that a balanced diet must be coupled with the right exercise routine. However, for a kick start and to ensure that you burn at least five hundred (500) calories a day, here are some tricks you could try to maximize the time and effort you spend in working out.

15 for 500 - The first step towards realizing your dream body is to find means to take the time to allot for exercise. Regardless of how constrained one's time may be, he could always squeeze in fifteen (15) minutes of his twenty - four hour a day to exercise. The five (5) minute free weight circuits can be very effective for people who find that they have very limited time they could allocate for daily workouts. The secret is to make time to take a portion of your day for a two (2) fifteen - minute (15) exercise routine that could significantly increase your heart rate allowing numerous muscle groups to work together.

This could be achieved by doing three sets of these exercises for two (2) sets of fifteen minutes (15 min):

1.) Engage your core muscles by doing a row standing on one leg, starting with the right, for two (2) minutes. Switch to the left leg and follow the same routine for another two (2) minutes.

2.) Start with arms down and feet together. With the use of a dumbbell, lunge forward with the right leg while simultaneously raising the weights at shoulder level out at your sides. Hold for one second. Bring leg back, arms down and return to starting position. Repeat with the left leg and hold for one second. Alternate right and left legs for one minute and thirty seconds (1 min & 30 sec).

3.) Start holding the weights on sides, arms down, and feet together. Using a two to four pound (2 -4 lbs) dumbbell, move to squat position while simultaneously bringing the arms into a bicep curl. Hold one second then proceed to straight standing position while arms are held up overhead into a shoulder press. Hold for another one second and repeat for one minute and thirty seconds (1 min & 30 sec).

Confuse your body - Another secret to burning more than your gym mates or exercise buddies would require an inside job. Pay attention to what your body tells you since you know yourself better than anyone else. Your body reacts to anything you imply to it. When you first exercise, it responds by bringing your metabolism up burning the extra unused calories it stores. However, when your body detects the same routine you use, it is its natural reaction to adapt it as a natural occurrence thus the weight loss comes to a halt, known as plateau. When this happens, your desire to meet your target weight may not be fulfilled. So how do you fight plateau? Confuse your body. Do not settle for the usual routine instead incorporate something new every now and then such as intervals against your usual exercise pacing. Increase your calorie burn during running, swimming, cycling and other cardiovascular exercises by increasing the pace to the most extreme level. You will know that you are at the extremes when you find yourself out of breath. When you reach this phase, slow down for two minutes (2 min) to recover. This drives your body to get confused with the abrupt increase in your heart rate and the sudden slow pacing sending a signal to your brain to make it work harder thus burning more calories. For fifteen minutes (15 min) try by warming up for five minutes (5 min). After warming up, use the ten minutes (10 min) duration to repeat these intervals for at least eight (8) times.

by: Ashleigh Hartley

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