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Social Security Disability Benefits For Children

Benefits are provided to disabled Americans by the Social Security Administration. Besides extending assistance to employees, children too can avail of it. Once the parents applied for disability claims for their son or daughter, the child will be paid with the amount due to him/her. The amount that the child will get depends on the social security earnings of his/her parents.

Many families are in need of additional income that will help them keep up with the expenses of caring for their child. Sometimes, one parent is forced to leave work in order to care for the child.

Children, who are aged 18 and below, can avail of the benefits under the account of their parents or legal guardian. After that, they will have to apply for their own account. Some of the requirements include the following:

-Child should not earn more than $1,000 for them to be considered as disabled.

-Condition should last at least a year.

In most families who have children receiving social security benefits, evaluation and reviews are conducted every three years to check on the condition of the child and see if he/she is still eligible to get the benefits. Families who apply for the eligibility are usually the ones with very limited income and cannot afford to hire home help.

Aside from the financial assistance, the child may also be granted with access to health insurance policies from the state like Medicaid. This is automatic for children who are recipients of the benefits from Social Security, and whose families are not capable of rearing them financially. The coverage of Medicaid spawns to 50 states in America. Members are granted immediate access to health insurance programs. The child will also receive discounts from the following: hearing aids, prescription drugs, vision needs, and mental-health needs are also covered by Medicaid. You need to call your states Medicaid office so that you will be briefed on the requirements that you have to meet in order for your child to be entitled to it.

Working with a Los Angeles Social Security disability lawyer will give you the assurance that your disabled child will be given benefits that he/she deserve. Your lawyer can also hasten the application procedure so that your child will be able to get the benefits straightaway. Besides, if you are going to enlist a qualified lawyer, he/she will also take care of the paperwork needs to be done.

by: ashleycasas

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