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subject: Five Easy Steps To Becoming A Physical Therapist Associate Online [print this page]

Five Easy Steps To Becoming A Physical Therapist Associate Online

The following are the tips to do to become a physical therapist associate online: obtain a degree as a physical therapy associate online, acquire a license, obtain real experience, upgrade your resume, and apply for a career as an assistant to a physical therapist.

Jobs for PT assistants have been hunting bright, especially with the presence of good physical therapy marketing. It is expected that by the year 2016 this particular career will have an increase in growth of twenty eight percent. To have this career, however, you need to earn a degree before you can work as an associate to a physical therapist. Additionally, some states also demand degree holders to become licensed. For people who wish to become physical therapist assistants but do not want or have the time to go to regular schools, fret no more. Your wish might be provided as there are degrees for physical therapist personnel that you can get on the web.

Obtain a physical therapy assistant degree online

The first thing you have to do to begin a career as an associate to a physical therapist is use the internet and look for an educational program for physical therapist assistants. These types of programs will take less than six months and could be completed entirely through the web.

Obtain a permit

The next step to do once you have completed the online program is to be a licensed physical therapy associate. You might want to figure out in advance from your State Department of Health if sitting for an assessment is required in your state. Furthermore, try to assess if you can find workshops that you may want to attend, which may be restricted.

Obtain actual experience

It is highly recommended that you obtain actual experience as an associate to a physical therapist, especially if you are getting your degree from an online school. This could not just enhance your skills but also make you more attractive to potential employers. You may inquire about getting experience at PT practices in your town.

Revise your cv

Write an up to date resume after you have completed your education and also acquired a permit. You might also request a referral letter from your internship supervisor, which you can attach to your resume.

Apply for a work as an associate to a physical therapist

Find work as an assistant to a physical therapist by reviewing several career sites on the internet. You could also go directly to the human resources sites of hospitals and also physical therapy establishments in your town, and then submit your cv to them. You may also submit your resume personally to executives of physical rehabilitation facilities, whom you have called up beforehand, so that you can be a step in advance as soon as a position becomes available.

As soon as you become registered as an assistant to a physical therapist, you can become a member of the American Physical Therapist Association, who provides opportunities for you to gain CE, or continuing education, credit. You will need a certain amount of accumulated continuing education credit to renew your license.

by: Patricia Strasser

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