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Online Home Business: How To Design A Profitable Website

Almost every person who makes money online has their own website. The design of a website is a complex topic and entire books have been written on the topic. I am about to reveal 3 important tips that I know will boost the profitability of your website in the future.

1. Don't Choose The Wrong Text Colour.

Test after test has proven that black text on white is preferable to white text on black background. Whilst white text on a dark background can look trendy and interesting, people just don't seem to like to read it. This kind of look can appear a little mechanistic or futuristic and the style of the text can detract and distract from the actual content. People will tend to be less willing to spend their time and energy reading your killer content if you ignore this piece of advice and you will be leaving money on the table. It seems that people are simply more used to reading black text on a white background due to the conventions set by books, newspapers and magazines. Why go against the grain and cause yourself problems when it is unnecessary?

2. Ensure That You Have a dramatic opt in box.

If you are building an email list or you want someone to leave their details in a webform, for goodness sake make it grab their attention. It's no good having a boring opt in box because people just won't tend to use it. If you have text in your opt in box like "Click Here Now" then you are under-optimising your box. Why not go for something more exciting and relevant? If you are promising your subscribers the latest cure to a painful disease you should consider re-wording you opt in button as "Yes, I want to be pain free and happy now!" Motivate you visitor at all times. Include arrows, colours and maybe even images. The colour red is naturally going to get the attention of your visitors so use it in your box design.

3. Avoid posting and hosting too many banner ads.

Sure, everyone in advertising loves a banner and we have all probably clicked on one at some point. It just seems to feel better when you click on a glossy and attractive banner ad rather than a plain blue highlighted hyperlink. It seems to feel like your click has a higher value and you feel like what is waiting on the other side of that click is going to be of some significant value. You are pre-primed to be interested in what is waiting for you.

So, yes, banner ads can be good and you should consider creating your own glossy banners for use in your website, emails and on other sites too. You see, many popular websites generate revenue for themselves by agreeing to post other people's glossy ads on their websites in exchange for a fee. The advertiser gets the benefit of a lot of visitors who are (presumably) interested in his relevant product and the fact that some of them will click his advert and view his offers which will subsequently increase his sales.

If you are considering placing other people's banners on your own website in order to generate revenue, you should be careful not to be too greedy. Don't accept a multitude of advertisers if you don't have room. I have been to sites where I just don't know what the site is about or how to access the content within the site because there are just so many banner ads clouding the screen and confusing me. This creates a negative user experience and the viewer will probably leave voluntarily or be whisked off to one of your banner advertiser's sites never to return to your own.

Remember to use banner advertising judiciously and don't overdo it because you will end up sacrificing long term wealth for short term gains that just aren't worth it. If that's not bad enough, Google and other search engines are likely to penalise your site in the rankings if you adopt this strategy.

In this article, you have learned 3 top tips about designing your website in a way that will make you more money online.

by: Brad Tomkins

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