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subject: Wedding Fun [print this page]

Everyone reaches that stage in life when all their friends are getting married. When what used to be a fun excuse to get dressed up, drunk at an open bar and shamelessly flirt with a groomsmen turns into a chore. You have to spend money on the gift, the dress, and possibly the flight and hotel. Worst of all you may not even be that close with the bride and groom or you are close with them but none of their other friends. I am here to put some spring back into your wedding guest step. Here are a few things to look forward to:

1. You can finally splurge on that dress you've been eyeing:

Have you had your eye on a dress that is not only way out of your price range but that you also have no occasion to wear it? Well now you do! With your friend's wedding being just around the corner you're going to need a new dress to dazzle everyone. Treat yourself to something gorgeous and wear it with pride.

2. You can finally take that vacation you've been wanting to take:

Friend doing a destination wedding? Bank statement screaming 'no you can't go!'? The feeling of being overworked and under paid is one most of us are familiar with. Instead of forbidding yourself from yet another luxury, treat yourself to one for once! If the flights are outrageous, then no, you're not going to want to put yourself in six months worth of debt, but if it just means cutting back on a few dinners out then go for it!

3. You get to catch up with old friends:

If this is a wedding where you will know most of the guests you're bound to have a good time. Despite the money it cost to get there in style with a gift in hand, you will be delighted when you find yourself sitting under a canopy with an old high school crush, laughing over martinis and memories. That moment is worth it all.

4. You might meet someone amazing:

They say that weddings are the best places to meet people. Single people, listen up! Weddings are all about love and a lifetime of holy matrimony and leave people thinking about finding that special person who will make them happy. Who knows maybe somebody will have their eye on you when having these thoughts.

Of course these are all very selfish reasons to get excited about a wedding. The other part (obviously) is that you get to be there celebrating your friends happiness and enjoying a great party - on them!

by: Tamara Jacobs

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