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subject: Unique Wedding Invitations Encourage Attendance [print this page]

Unique Wedding Invitations Encourage Attendance

One of the major parts of any grand or simple wedding is the wedding invitations. It is important that the couple comes up with unique wedding invitations so that they will all be encouraged to attend your wedding. The more appealing they turn out to be, the more number of people would be attending the event.

Traditionally, these wedding invitations are done with an orthodox design. The traditional kind if usually composed of the entourage names and made out of special paper. It is then tied up securely by strings that carry the same color as the overall motif. They are placed inside envelopes before given out to the guests.

However, most couples are already going out of the conventional wedding invitation designs. Throughout the years, invitations with this design have been circulating around the world and are becoming very common. Because of this, couples would use unique wedding invitations.

These days, there are a number of websites that are offering unique wedding invitation ideas. Aside from this, even couples can make their own design out of their own creativity. Unique wedding invitations can use the following design ideas.

First up is that the couple may choose their pictures. They can either allot a full or half page of the invitation for them to place some of their pre-wedding photos. And in order to add class to the invitation, they should use a black and white photo. This will not only make the invitation and the whole wedding interesting but also be a certified eye catcher.

Another design to come up with unique wedding invitations is to apply a sketch or a drawing. They can also use symbols that will signify a certain message that only the couple understands. This is a sure stand out above the rest.

Lastly, it can help a lot if you would add a touch of humor to the wedding invitations. You can have caricatures of you both on it or fill it up with some confetti. Your options for materials are limitless for as long as you think it would contribute to the humor effect of the wedding invitations.

Unique wedding invitations are not only made to make your wedding event an impressive one to attend but also to encourage guests to push through with attending and make it a memorable event for them as well. Since the wedding invitations are good means of introducing the wedding and the couple, then it should definitely be attractive, appealing and worth-remembering.

by: Jordan McPelt

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