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How To Effectively Treat Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - 5 Tricks For Stopping Liver Enlargement

A fatty liver diet plan uses a combination of liver friendly foods to reduce fat consumption and gives the liver the opportunity to burn up and metabolize existing triglycerides currently filling up the spaces in and around hepatocytes (liver cells).

Staying away from fatty foods is of utmost importance. However, a diet for a fatty liver must be closely monitored because other foods (such as those high in fructose) can also further exasperate the problem. The right diet combined with a good exercise plan is the most effective treatment for people with fatty liver disease (FLD).

Below you will find 5 different tips to help you in your struggle against fatty liver disease. You can beat this silent killer when you take actionable steps toward reducing fat and improving liver health. Without further ado, here's 5 dietary tips you can use to improve a fatty liver.

1.) Complex Carbohydrates Reign Supreme

As a general rule, choosing complex carbohydrates often comes down to choosing browns over whites. Stick to foods such as whole grains and brown rice rather than consuming large quantities of white rice, breads, and processed pastas like egg noodles.

Candy and other sweets should be avoided as they are a perfect example of the simple carbohydrates that can be damaging to a fatty liver. Stay away from doughnuts and other high fat sweets. Pies can be ok, but only in moderation.

2.) Carefully Monitor Dairy Products

Limiting dairy consumption can be beneficial for fatty liver patients. Make changes from 2% or whole milk to skim milk and/or 1% milk. Whether you drink the milk directly or use it as part of your food recipes, the same rules still apply.

Keep an eye out for low-fat and non-fat alternatives when it comes to cheeses, yogurts, and other types of dairy products.

3.) 30% Is The Magic Number For Fats And Fatty Liver

Try to limit your fat consumption so it makes up no more than 30% of your daily caloric intake. Opt for unsaturated oils instead of saturated oils, and use low-fat or non-fat butter.

Condiments and salad dressings should be greatly limited because they typically have a high fat content. The same is true of egg yolks. For most types of food, there are almost always low-fat and non-fat alternatives.

4.) When It Comes To Meat, White Is Better Than Dark

Trim all meats to remove excess fat before cooking and eating and consume mostly white meats (fish, chicken, turkey) instead of dark meats (pork, beef, lamb). When possible, select only lean cuts of meat and do your best to avoid fatty meats such as ribs and wings as well as processed meats like sausages. Fish and other seafood can often be a good alternative meat source.

5.) Increase Your Fiber

Why fiber? Because fiber is extremely beneficial for the digestive system and can aid the liver in its ability to metabolize fat. Include it in any fatty liver diet Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and many different types of grains. Include all of these in your diet if you have a fatty liver.

Don't leave out leaves, greens, citrus fruits, and legumes. These can be good sources of folic acid and vitamin C, both of which are liver friendly in appropriate dosages.

by: DJ Portis

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