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Cancer Fighting Vegetables

Researcher says that 90% cancers can be prevented with the help of proper nutrition, life style modification and regular exercise. Today we are exposed to pollution, stress, and cigarette smoke, industrial waste which is increasing chances of getting cancer or damaging our body.

Antioxidants are the agent which fight against this damage and help you maintain your youth, health, prevent diseases. Vegetables are an inevitable part of Indian diet. Though we can see western diet is entering in our daily life style, we are also learning about keeping well, prevent diseases. We need to know about the selection of the vegetables in our daily diet to fight against cancer.

Fresh vegetables are good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium etc. These nutrients are potent antioxidants. One needs to incorporate them in daily diet. Right from small kids to elderly in home must consume them in adequate amount. Antioxidants and Vitamins may not help in breast cancer. Breast cancer patients who take antioxidants may have an increased or decreased risk of death or recurrent cancer, depending on which vitamin they use, a new study suggests.

Kale: Amongst all the vegetables Kale is powerful antioxidant. This green vegetable is mostly used in western diet. It is useful in lowering risk of bladder, colon, urinary, breast and prostate cancer. To get essential benefits from this vegetable include it in your diet for 2-3 time per week. One serving can be 1 to 11/2 cup. One can also combine this with other cruciferous vegetables.

Spinach: This vegetable is most popular green leafy vegetable in India. It is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C, selenium etc. recent studies suggest that consumption of spinach can reduce risk of prostate cancer. One must be cautious if suffering from increased blood pressure.

Broccoli: Another vegetable in cruciferous family. High source of vitamin C and beta-carotene. Sulforaphane is the active agent in broccoli which reduces risk of heart disease, breast cancer and many other forms of cancer (ovaries & cervix cancer). It contents potent an oxidant which breaks down estrogen in the body.

Tomato: Indian cooking is incomplete without tomatoes. They are the sole source of Lycopene. Lycopene is also found in pink grape fruit. It is double powerful than beta-carotene. Glutathione from tomatoes helps in improving immunity. It lowers risk of lung, liver and prostate cancer risk. Lycopene is active when cooked or heated. So, one must have tomatoes in cooked form. Read more about Tomato(

Carrots: Beta carotene from caretonoids family plays important role in eye and skin health. Carrots are rich in beta carotene. It is also found in sweet potato, yellow fruits and vegetables. It helps in protecting stomach, lung, bladder, breast, esophageal cancer and heart diseases. Cooked carrots have active antioxidants.

There are more vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, onions, corn, eggplant; Alfalfa sprouts which fight again cancer. These antioxidants fight against free radicals. Each and every vegetable contains these disease fighting nutrients which can vary in quantity. Vitamin A is fat soluble vitamin which must be consumed with oil. One can add olive oil to increase absorption of vitamin.

Studies suggest that steamed vegetables contains 80% antioxidants where as cooked vegetables contains only 30%. Try not to cut veggies finely to retain its nutrients.

10 Ways to Sneak more Vegetables into your Diet(

For more information on diet, nutrition, health and weight loss, contact our health and fitness experts.

by: Tina Khanna

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