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subject: How To Avoid Insulting The Locals On Your Egypt Holidays [print this page]

How To Avoid Insulting The Locals On Your Egypt Holidays

Egypt offers beautiful beaches, delicious local dishes to excite your taste buds and fascinating historical sites to marvel at. No wonder its such a popular tourist destination. Yet it mustnt be forgotten that Egypt is a religious country, which means that the locals adhere to lots of etiquette and tradition. Here is a rundown of tips on how to ensure you are polite whilst enjoying your Sharm el Sheikh holidays.

Dining Etiquette

If whilst enjoying your Egypt holidays you are fortunate enough to be invited to dine at a locals home, you should always be sure to remove your shoes when you enter.

Remember to dress conservatively as appearances are of the utmost importance to Egyptians.

Always compliment the host on their house and the food.

Make sure that you wait to be asked to sit and only ever eat with your right hand.

It is a sincere compliment to have seconds but when you are full leave just a mouthful to make sure the host knows not to continue to serve you more.

Never put salt on your food this is considered a huge insult.

If you wish to take gifts with you to thank your hosts for their kind hospitality dont opt for flowers. These are associated with death or illness. Better gift choices include sweets, electronics and compasses that will assist them in finding Mecca. Also note, when presenting your gift, always offer it to them with your right hand.

When offered tea or coffee always accept even if you do not want it. It is considered more polite to do this than to refuse and run the risk of your host feeling rejected.

What to Wear?

When enjoying your Sharm el Sheikh holidays lazing around the pool at your resort, its easy to forget that you are in a Muslim country. When you venture out of the resort men should always be wearing shirts and girls should cover their shoulders.

If you visit a mosque it is essential to remove your shoes and women should remember to cover their hair. No skin should be on display apart from your hands, feet and face.

Body Language

DONT sit with your legs crossed. Showing the bottoms of your feet is considered very rude.

DO put your right hand over your heart when you are declining something as it makes your refusal more gracious.

DONT hold your hand out in front of you or in anyones face. To Egyptians, a palm indicates warding off evil spirits and is considered offensive.

Top Tips

DONT take photographs of military buildings.

DO ask a local if you can take their picture before doing so.

DONT engage in public displays of affection.

DONT stand too close to a member of the opposite sex.

When visiting such a fascinating country it is important to respect their traditions and beliefs. By following these simple tips, your Egypt holiday will be carefree and easy.

by: Steve Alexander

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