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subject: The Processes Involved In The Purchasing Of Mezzanine Floors [print this page]

The Processes Involved In The Purchasing Of Mezzanine Floors

I am often asked how the process works for purchasing a mezzanine floor from the point of the first enquiry to the installation, so I decided to write this article to help people understand how it works.

Once you have decided on the shape and size of the floor that is required, you can visit our website and fill out the online enquiry form. Once we receive an enquiry from our website or by phone we will then provide an initial quotation based upon the information provided.

If the customer is happy with the initial price we would then arrange for a project manager to visit site and carry out a full site survey to take measurements to enable us to design the floor and provide a firm price. The site survey usually takes one to two hours to carry out.

If the customer is happy with the final price we would then produce a general arrangement drawing of the floor and then either email or post it to the customer for their approval. Once we have received their approval against the drawing we would then apply for Building Regulation approval, if instructed to do so. To gain the approval of the local authorities we use an approved inspector scheme which enables us to get the project moving a lot faster. The approved Inspectors may ask for additional information about the floor slab the mezzanine will be installed on, this would need to be provided by the customer.

When we receive Building Regulation approval or a letter of indemnity if the customer does not require us to gain approval, we would then be in a position to provide the customer with an installation date and start purchasing the materials that are required for the manufacture of the mezzanine floor. The floor would be installed on the agreed date with the minimum amount of disruption to the customers business. The installation would usually require the use of the customers own fork lift truck, if there is not one available we would be more than happy to hire one in but this would be at an additional cost.

The whole process from receipt of official order to completion of the installation takes approximately 4-5 weeks. This can vary a lot depending on the size of the floor and current work load, generally we can turn the floors around to suit the needs and requirements of the customer.

If you would like more information or a price please feel free to contact us at Mezzanine Fabrications Ltd

by: Scott Waterfall

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