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subject: How To Make Money Online - Getting Started [print this page]

How To Make Money Online - Getting Started

One of the biggest and most often seen question in internet marketing is "How Do I Get Started"

Most people buy a cheap money-making ebook and once they read it they think "well this didn't help me at all...i don't understand".

I know some of you don't agree with me but being successful as an internet marketer take determination and it's not easy to do.

FIRST: 99% of people are just in it for the money. They think that they just need to come up with a good method and they will make sales overnight.

This is a very big problem. Why?

Nobody surfs the web to buy things randomly. Everyone is looking for an answer to their problem or a solution to something they are having trouble with. Remember, you job is to solve someone's problem not to make a quick sale. This is what will make you successful and will make you not just one sale, but a lot of them.

So what do you need exactly to make money online?

1. Firstly, you need a clue.

Anyone can do a search on google for "how to make money online", but you need to have some basic knowledge and know exactly what you're doing otherwise you will just be running around searching for answers.

2. Secondly, you need a plan, an idea.

Do some brainstorming! You need to decide exactly what you want to do and go in that direction. There are many options and the following options will help you decide in which direction you want to go.

"What am I good at?"

"What is something I really enjoy talking about?"

"How do I plan on providing information on this product?"

3. You need to create a website.

Create one or pay someone to create one for you. If you don't have the budget, then you can always start a blog at Blogger.

Now comes the part that many people have trouble with when they get started.

Website Design/Website creation.

You need a website with a simple but at the same time professional design because otherwise your site won't convert as well as you will expect.

Remember, when you write the sales page for your website... you're addressing it to people who have a problem and they're looking for a way to solve it. Here are a few examples.

Money Making E-Book - Most people don't have enough money. who wants that?

Training Your Dog E-Book - An undisciplined dog is a danger for you and everyone around. This is the problem and your guide will be the solution.

A Guide To Smart Car Buying - How to save on gas and save the environment.

Do you see what i am trying to say? You have to speak to people in your target market, because you're trying to fix problem they may have.

In my opinion, fear and hype the 2 things that makes all the money in internet marketing.

Trying to sell a car? Examine your potential customers.. a young man will want a fast car to impress the ladies. You must know who you're selling to because if you do everything right, then a hungry crowd will always come back for more.

Don't get me wrong now.. I'm not saying that the only way to make money online is by creating a website. There are many other ways but this one is the best for creating an automated source of income.

4. Be Patient and Consistent.

If there was a magic button for making money online, then everyone would have been millionaires.

Many newbies quit when they find out how much work it is involved in order to create a successful online business. Don't ever give up.

So now you have a great website but no sales. Why is that?

Put yourself in your visitor's shoes and look at your website from their point of view not yours. Then ask yourself this "is this a solution to my problem"?

Add content and create products regularly. This way your buyers will always come back for more. A hungry crowd can never get enough no matter what's the price of your products.

Now, there are some suggestion that i recommend you to implement to keep your business successful.


When someone subscribes to your list, it means that he is interested in what you have to offer. Many websites don't have an optin form and their losing big money because of that.

Remember.Internet Marketing is not an overnight task.

You can either sell your own products or promote someone else's.

The more consistent you are, the more determined you are, the more it will show. Don't ever give up!

If you enjoyed this quick guide, you will definitely enjoy what you will get if you join us at Internet Marketing Forum - Make Money Online.

by: Allen Payne

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