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subject: How To Text A Girl - The Right Mindset To Be In When You Text A Girl [print this page]

How To Text A Girl - The Right Mindset To Be In When You Text A Girl

If you have the right mindset about attracting girls, you will automatically know how to text a girl and exactly what to say to make her want you. If you don't have the right mindset, you will constantly be struggling to come up with what to say. And even if you do end up saying the right things, she will sense your congruency and lose attraction for you.

That's how powerful the right mindset can be.

So at this point you might be saying...

"OK, that's great! But What The Heck Is A Mindset?"

A mindset is a set of ideas and belief that you hold in your head and it dictates everything that you think and do.

Here is the right texting mindset for how to text a girl.

Have the attitude that she is having a boring, uninteresting day and you are hear to cheer her up and make her smile.

Although you are not going to do it by being super overly nice and kiss her ass. Remember, you are a high status man of value and you are doing her a favor by texting her and adding value to her life.

Think to yourself, "How would I act if I had 10 hot, beautiful girls in my life and I had my pick of any of them?"

Would you stress out if she didn't respond to your text right away? Would you sit by the phone and check it every 30 seconds to see if she has gotten back to you?

Of course not!

You'd just send her a fun, playful text and then *in a cool, deep black guy voice* get on with your bad-self!

You could care less if she texts you back or not.

Heck! She could be fighting World War III over there and that's why she can't text you back yet. Or maybe she's just not interested in you. Either way, you don't take it personally and you stay cool.

And most importantly, remember that she's not the most important thing in your life. She still has to prove to YOU that she's someone worth spending time with and you're still not sold on her yet.

If you're in the middle of something and she happens to text you, you don't just drop whatever you are doing just to text her back. No, you do it when it's most convenient for you. You have other priorities in you life. You're a busy guy, remember?

Keep think about these attitudes and beliefs. Remember them. Internalize them. Become them.

If you can take this frame of mind when texting a girl or even interacting with women in general, you will find yourself effortlessly being able to know what to say or do next. And best of all your success with women will skyrocket.

But that doesn't mean that's all there is to the game.

by: Ethan Zelmando

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