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subject: How To Get A Woman Into Bed - What Most Men Don't Realize [print this page]

When it comes to women and sex, most guys are in the dark about what really works to get a woman to want to go to bed with them. Even the guys who think that they have it all figured out fail way more often than they succeed. The funny thing about this is, it does not have to be that way. I am not trying to say that you will ever get to a point where you can seduce any woman you want into bed... but you can get to a point where you can be a lot more successful than the average guy really is.

I always go back to the fact that men get most of their sex advice from all of the wrong sources as the reason why the average guy is so unsuccessful at getting the women he really desires into bed with them. Learning techniques from movies and television is probably not your best bet, as most of the writers on these movies and television shows only get women once they start making a lot of money. So, to try and gain a little knowledge from these sources is not exactly the best idea.

What really works to get a woman into bed with you? What are some things that the average guy probably has not realized just yet?

1) To get a woman into bed, you have to do more than just appeal to her physical desires.

This is true for most women, but not all. When you try only to appeal to a woman's physical desires, you are missing out on most of what causes her to feel sexually attracted. There are so many more layers that you need to be able to touch on, and the average guy just tries to appeal to her physical desire and nothing else.

2) You have to protect her from feeling like she will be thought less of for having been intimate with you.

This world is a funny place, where a guy who gets some is rewarded and the woman who gets some is called names and looked down upon. It may not be as bad today as it was some 50 years ago, but there still is a risk that women face to their reputations if word gets out that they have sex with a guy. To combat this, you need to show her a protective side of you, one that will look out for her reputation so that she is less hesitant and more responsive to what she really wants to do.

by: Chris Tyler

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