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subject: Does Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy Increase Risks Of Birth Defects In Newborns? [print this page]

Does Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy Increase Risks Of Birth Defects In Newborns?

When the SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) class of antidepressants first appeared, it basically took over the lead in the line of medication treatment for depression. The reason for this great success was these drugs's high efficacy and relatively small chance of side effects (nausea, diarrhea, insomnia and sexual side effects were among these). Zoloft (sertraline hydrochloride) in particular was a blockbuster and became the most prescribed antidepressant in the U.S. in 2007.

Congenital anomalies have severe consequences and while some of these do not go past the scare of the first surgery performed on the newborn, there is a great probability for others to lead to long-lasting health injuries or even to infant deaths. In severe cases a life-long treatment and special care is needed for the child affected. This of course, has a great impact on the life of an entire family. To take or to no take Zoloft during pregnancy is a serious decision to make. Things have taken a different turn however, when clinical studies recently done showed how Zoloft and birth defects were linked. It turned out that the drug considered safe during pregnancy had a potential of harming the unborn children of mothers taking it.It is shown in clinical researches for instance, that the drug intake during the first trimester of the pregnancy may result in the following Zoloft birth defects:

Omphalocele - a congenital defect characterized by the protrusion of abdominal contents through an opening at the navel, it may appear six times as often at children whose mother take Zoloft during pregnancy.

Anal atresia - in this condition, which unfortunately occurs among birth defects Zoloft causes, the anus is either not present, or it is in the wrong place. It has a four times chance of occurrence in children of mothers using the drug while pregnant.

Limb reduction - having the same occurrence chance as anal atresia has, this congenital defect can affect both the upper and lower limbs and may result in the affected limb being either smaller in size or completely missing.

Septal defects - a congenital malformation in the interventricular septum, the condition appears two times as often in children of mothers under Zoloft prescription.

Due to the fact that these conditions are in general statistically speaking rare, the absolute risks for the above Zoloft birth defects to develop are rare. This unfortunately, is little or no consolation at all for those affected.

Infants exposed to Zoloft during the third trimester of the mother's pregnancy are more likely to require special care nursery attention for a number of problems such as low blood sugar, withdrawal symptoms and respiratory problems. Premature birth is also more likely to occur for children born to mothers who were taking the drug during the last trimester of their pregnancy.

For all of the above reasons, any expecting mother, who faces depression and seeks an efficient treatment, should make a well-informed decision regarding appropriate medication. Why and how does Zoloft cause birth defects, is not yet entirely known, but it is worrisome that there is a definite association between these certain birth anomalies and Zoloft use during pregnancy. For pregnant women or women planning on becoming pregnant treated for depression with Zoloft, it is vital to consult their physician to be able to clarify all aspects of the matter and then to decide together on what next step to take. The connection between Zoloft and birth defects is real and it is worth given serious thought.

On a final note, if you believe your child is affected by one of the Zoloft birth defects, the best you can do is to seek legal assistance and contact a qualified and experienced attorney to help and protect your rights.

by: Caleb Chao'

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