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subject: Of Course Women Are Dating Online More Often! [print this page]

Of Course Women Are Dating Online More Often!

Of course you know that women are dating online more often than ever before. And why shouldnt they be? Gone are the days when a woman must stay at home, idly sitting by her telephone and waiting for Prince Charming (or a reasonable facsimile) to call. The 21st century has changed the playing field entirely; the telephone has been replaced by a laptop and instead of waiting, todays women are aggressively seeking out who they want and when they want them. It makes perfect sense then that women are dating online more often.

Why date Online?

Think about it: since when do women have the time to block out several hours and go to a nightclub or social event in hopes of meeting someone! More than ever before, women are working, leading and pursuing big dreams. Instead, online dating allows women to pick and choose from the comfort of their homes or desk or whenever they have a free minute, and dont think that online dating for women is the exception rather than the rule. When online dating was in its infancy, men outnumbered women in terms of online participation. Statistics now show that in many cities the number of women committed to online dating equals and in many cases outnumbers that of men. Women are dating online more often because cyber-reality offers a safety net and also the opportunity for women to slowly ease into and cultivate a relationship.

Popular the World Over

Whether a woman lives in the UK or the USA, whether they are dating in Singapore or India, the online dating process offers women a choice of who to meet, how often to meet and more importantly the control of dictating where and when theyll meet a man in person.

Face it women are dating online more often because they dont want to be rushed. A woman (and for that matter also guys) wants the luxury of weighing her options. Online dating is almost like choosing from a menu and the great thing about it is if a woman doesnt like the meal she ordered she can send it right back and choose something else!

Culturally, women are not all that different, they want and deserve to be treated with respect and online dating provides the perfect method of screening potential suitors. A woman may be dating in Hawaii or Japan, dating in Singapore or Australia. It doesnt matter. All women can benefit from the ease of online dating.

Women are dating online more often because it provides the perfect climate for their fast-paced, professionally stimulating lives and that's the way it should be!

by: Angela Selfridge

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