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subject: Senior Dating-5 Things To Avoid If You Want A Lasting Relationship [print this page]

Senior Dating-5 Things To Avoid If You Want A Lasting Relationship

Senior dating is the key of success that opens the gate of happiness for many senior citizens. However in today's world, love seems to have assumed a different meaning to such types of relationship. The problem of separation among dating couples is becoming overwhelming great and that in effect is affecting societal morals. Below are some loves killers that anyone who is wishing to have a senior dating must keep his/her love true must avoid.

Never rush to a relationship thinking about financial wealth

Never go into a senior dating just thinking about the fiscal wealth of your partner. Having a partner who can provide you with financial freedom and luxury is fine but be careful not to just love his/her riches and think you really care him/her because that would not be true and should there be some confusion, this money matter would result certainly in a separation. In as much as money is good in any situation, it can be an evil spirit and so if care is not taken, youre dating partner may end up as the worse enemies that ever lived.

Tolerate your partner's faith

It might be seem in the beginning that you can tolerate your partners faith arising from past of life if you really wish to continue senior dating relationship. But, the reality is that if you deep inside, will not accept this fact it likely might disturb you on the coming years o togetherness. So, you must respect your partners faith if you decide not to change the facts.

Loving the physical appearance

Since, physical appearance of a partner can never let you chance of think of your compatibility you should always go beyond physical attraction. At the later age of life you should need a partner who really understands you sharing a lot of spices to your senior dating relationship.

Avoid having a partner who is not supportive of your dreams

Since every human being needs encouragement and support no matter how independent you may be and there is no better person to give such support and encouragement than your beloved partner. Having a senior dating partner who just cannot exhibit care, warmth, generosity and positive energy does not deserve to be loved and be with. If you happen to be the partner who keeps giving all the time then it is about time you took a decisive and definite decision to call it quits no matter how much love you have for this other person because it just would not happen.

Do not show inability in giving true love

True love and respect for each other is all that matters in a relationship that longs to be significant and lasting in senior dating. Be in any relationship other than to truly love and be truly loved! .The lack of love for one's self is enough evidence of a partner's inability to give true love. If you can truly love yourself, then you are on the right path to giving and being loved by another in this way the senior dating couple can identify what is lacking in the relationship and they can subsequently make a collective effort to make the relationship work. Let not your love be just words, act it, it's more powerful!

by: Susan Whitefield

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