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subject: How Vital Is Solar Pv Systems On Global Warming [print this page]

Solar PV (PhotoVoltaic) are winning worldwide recognition today primarily because of its role on our campaign against global warming. The question is how well-informed are we about global warming and how does it change our lives.

First and foremost, we need to know the relevance between the Earths atmosphere, the greenhouse gases, and the light and heat of the sun. The sun frees an enormous amount of heat and light. Without the atmosphere, the Earth will be burning hot at daytime and it will be unattainable for any living being to survive. As this heat and light hits the Earth, it bounces back towards the outer space. Thus, it will keep the Earth freezing at night. The atmosphere made it feasible to normalize these two occurrences by filtering the amount of heat that enters and blocks a portion of it through its greenhouse gases to keep the Earth warm. It allows all living beings to stay alive.

Over the years, we carry on and pursue technological developments through radical actions that also affect the increase of greenhouse gases on our atmosphere. We desire for more electricity and we sustain this by burning more and more fossil fuels which in turn, helps to increase the emission of carbon dioxide to our atmosphere. We develop more business sites. Trees can process carbon dioxide but we slash them off so we can get more wood. This is deforestation and it shifts the process of creating equilibrium on the gas levels on our atmosphere. As the amount of greenhouse gases heightens, the more heat is trapped in our planet - thus leading to the theory of global warming.

Global warming is caused by escalating temperature of the Earth that is higher than the optimal level. It plays a job on the increase of sea levels which in turn leads to flooding mainly on low land areas. It also results in the warming of ocean water which is hazardous for algae. The death of plants and animals will harm the humans in ways that they are necessities for humans to live. How did solar panels become relevant to all of these? Solar PV systems can produce electricity by taking in the light and heat of the sun. Through this, we will be lowering the amount of carbon dioxide emission as a result of burning fossil fuels.

This scientific theory has finally evolved into reality. News around the world relates the effects of global warming on our current environment and this shouldnt be ignored. By simply looking into free solar panel installation quotes, you take a step towards a life-saving campaign. We can never recreate what was there in the past but we can spend our present focusing on for a brighter future.

by: Dave Garcia

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