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subject: Fleet Insurance 2012-how To Save Money With A Pro-active Approach [print this page]

Fleet Insurance 2012-how To Save Money With A Pro-active Approach

Keeping your fleet up and running is a major necessity for many businesses. In some cases, depending on the industry your company is involved in, your vehicles may be your livelihood, and without them business would grind to a halt. Unfortunately, fleet insurance can be a rather large yet unavoidable expense, added on top of the other expenses involved in fleet management.

With the economy still riding on a rollercoaster, if there was ever an important time to get things right financially, now is it. Therefore looking forward to 2012 and beyond, the cost of fleet insurance and the other elements of running a fleet taking a creative, in-depth look at the fleet is what is most likely to help.

Fleet Insurance, Incidents And Accidents-Take A Pro-Active Approach

The real cost of an accident can range between anywhere from 3 times to 10 times the actual cost of repair. Traditionally companies have waited until an accident happens before dealing with underlying causes as well as the expenses incurred.

However taking a pro-active approach can save companies very significant amounts of money. It has been proven that 87% of accidents have some influence due to driver factors, but a whopping 57% of accidents can be entirely attributed to driver factors.

Fleet Insurance Reality-Vehicle, Driving Behaviour And Road

Actually the three main elements involved in the reality of when your fleet insurance has to pay out due to an accident are the vehicle itself, the driver's behaviour and the road.

As a fleet manager you cannot do much about the condition of a road, but you can ensure the best practices in choice of vehicles, keeping the vehicles safely maintained and making sure you keep records of all of these factors.

Yet, last but very definitely not least, is the driving behaviour. This is an area where numerous studies have proved that there is normally scope for huge improvements. As a fleet manager by focusing on this and the other elements you will save significant amounts of money on both the fleet insurance premium and other elements of the fleet costs.

If you are looking to save a bit on your fleet insurance 2012 bill, you might want to consider undertaking a few quick money saving precautions. While these precautions will not save you from actually having to pay the relevant insurance costs, they will help you to bring down your costs and keep your company operating profitably.

Shop Around Once You Are In A Stronger Position

Perhaps the best way to keep your fleet insurance costs is by shopping for a new company. You may be able to find a better rate, but the fact that you are looking may prompt your current insurer to offer you a better deal.

Next, try to impose fairly strict safety regulations on your drivers; strict safety means fewer accidents and fewer accidents means a lower premium. Finally, consider taking the time to find out which vehicles are cheapest to insure - if you are thinking about upgrading, you may want to look at those shipping vehicles that have the least cause for raising fleet insurance rates.

Your fleet insurance costs are a necessity of doing business. If you can shop around, encourage your employees to be safe, and make sure that any new purchases will cause fairly little alarm for the insurance company and you may find that you can reduce the overall cost of this expense.

Remember that it is absolutely necessary to have fleet insurance, and that operating without such insurance can lead to a number of major problems. Finding a low price is a great way to avoid this temptation, and finding a great policy at a low price is the best way to keep your fleet operational.

by: Jackie De Burca

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