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An Individual Savings Account or ISA is a contemporary byword that spells savings, interest and tax exemption. It is all positive except for the yearly limit set on ISA amounting to a maximum savings of 10,680. ISA rates vary so you must be careful to choose the one that can give you maximum benefits; that is, the ISA provider that will give you the highest interest rate with the least risks.

Aside from the interest gained by your savings, you also have other factors to consider. Just like any other form of investment, be cautious and judicious in applying for your ISA. The three qualities you should bear in mind are: reliability, transparency, and no fees.


Since you are making an investment, the first thing you must verify is if the ISA provider you are about to subscribe to is reliable. This reliability can be measured against the banks assets, clientele and length of years of its existence. Big companies do not guarantee sustainability. With the way things are happening in the economic arena, anything can happen. Some businesses are in full swing one day and then will be gone like a vapor the next day. This may appear like an exaggeration but it is better to be aware of the trends. However, it is not only from economic recession that downslides happen. Climate change is another factor; so many unpredictable calamities recently devastated different parts of the world and both people and possessions disappear in a few minutes alone.


Does your provider tell you in clear terms what its strengths and limitations are? Have you gone through the terms and conditions thoroughly and understood every major part of the agreement? Remember, you have the right to be fully informed of your rights and privileges because you are entrusting a big portion of your life, your hard earned income, in the hands of the provider. Verify, do research, and seek expert advice before ever launching into your ISA.


Some banks charge their clients certain amounts for several transactions like credit cards, loans, and bills payments. However, if your ISA provider will charge you of unnecessary and ambiguous items, beware. You are not supposed to pay for anything because you are even helping the bank or the ISA provider earn through the money you invest in it. The relationship between you and the provider must be symbiotic in the sense that your money is kept safe and earns interests as the bank also gains profit in it through its projects and investments.

ISA rates in this view refer to the interest rates that a provider offers for your investment with them. Finally, choose a provider that is like a trusted friend who willingly gives you your confidences worth and walks you through better financial management and profit.

by: Steve Waller

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